Anti-Anti-Trumpers Say the Character Issue Between Biden and Trump Is a Tie
Anti-Anti-Trumpers Say the Character Issue Between Biden and Trump Is a Tie
Every Trump flaw must have an equal and opposite flaw in his rival.
Anti-Anti-Trumpers Say the Character Issue Between Biden and Trump Is a Tie
Every Trump flaw must have an equal and opposite flaw in his rival.
I mean just look at all the scandals Biden is embroiled in, all the indictments of people in his administration. When you find them, let me know.
I mean there is the one involving corruption with his son.
The son who is not part of his father's administration? Not every president leans heavily into nepotism, you know.
Is he his son?
Oh no!
What character issues does Biden have??
The ones they made up.
Did he wear a Tan suit?
I’m Anti-Anti- that headline
I’m anti-anti-anti…fa
Wait, counts with fingers no, yeah, I think that’s correct
im anti infinity plus one trump. Infinitiy is an even number yeah?
Yeah, the regular old mathematics and/or English rules apply here. The two minuses cancel out. These are just Trumpers.
Us. vs Them thinking is the biggest sign of brainwashing. Large amounts of independent voters are going over to the conservativ side because of exactly opinions like this. There are still large amounts of moderate progressives and liberals who aren't woke that share concerns with varying political platforms, and lately, more and more of their concerns are becoming distinctly flavored and heard in conservative spaces because they are the only ones willing to engage with the skepticism.
It's becoming more common for regular people who when asking legitimate questions that pertain to the future of this country, the best they can get out of the left is, "JuSt tRUmPErS."
In effect, for disliking someone as much as you seem to, the left is practically paving the way for him by trying to marginalize his base even further. People are asking questions now and QAnon isn't starting to seem so crazy to lots of people. And whether you think their concerns are well founded or not, is irrelevant. They do.
So, to avoid "Us vs Them thinking", one should probably not say they're trying to destroy their opposition, yes?
i guess thats why theyre both facing equal numbers of federal, state, and civil cases against them
Hope they insisted on payment in something other than rubles.
But what do the Anti-Anti-Anti-Anti-Anti Trump supporters think?
Yes, stupid people sure are stupid.