Testing did not reveal sufficient DNA, fingerprint or video evidence to determine who had brought the drug into the White House, the Secret Service said.
We had evidence collected but then Steve had a bit. Then Gary had a go at it. Mark got a nose bleed after his line. So then Carl, naturally, had to make sure it wasn’t murderous cocaine and had himself a bump. Then we all did one together, you know, for team building and what not.
Well, in the end, all the evidence has somehow, magically disappeared…right under our noses. We’re all very shocked. Gary’s a bit jittery.
I know warehouses and office spaces with cameras that capture literally everything with off the shelf devices. How can they not have at minimum 2MP 22FPS of every square inch of that space. I simply don't understand.
If it had been anthrax or something awful, a bomb, an empty pipe.... They have no way of knowing who put it there? Absurd.
Seems kinda silly. I know they HAVE to investigate, but I'd imagine that once they realized it was cocaine and not anthrax, things would just fizzle out like this.