It depends; are we talking about a Fully Automated Luxury Gay Space Communism situation, or a "What up, viewers? This wave of the raid on Nestlé Aquifer Station #35 is brought to you by Raid Shadow Legends and Taco Bell's Crunch Wrap™ Financing Options— for a limited time only you can use promo code BajaRaider to lock-in interest rates as low as 42.60%" type situation?
But something like that reality is not coming any time soon for the vast majority of the world population, even if ai becomes sentient & benevolent, the third world will be waiting decades for any kind of meaningful automation of their jobs happens.
Hopefully in a distant future where Super intelligent Ai does literally everything human life doesnt become meaningless and pointless, without struggle, nor a reason to live or strive towards anything besides what the individual can come up with for themselves, no matter how futile it is in a future dominated in every aspect by ai 100000x's smarter than themselves.