No I think the majority of the world is appalled at what Israel is doing. It's the governments being pressured by Zionist organisations and also the risk of losing the only western ally in the Middle East.
Governments today don't represent their people anymore. Not when most democracies are voting for the lesser of two evils all the time.
We have so many allies in the middle east. We have countries with larger bases and countries with more bases. There's no military reason to keep supporting Israel.
Germany just had one of it's largest marches because the Neo-Nazis, Conservative Party, and Nationalists where caught plotting to take over the government and take Germany back to being controlled by some nationalist nazi party
That's how easy we could finish putin's war. Nope, instead some random people who are probably innocent or at least not doing anything other than talking and walking, instead they get the several million gifts.
This is going to be unpopular, but how do we know they're non-combatants? Just because they're unarmed at the moment the video is filmed, doesn't make the non-combatants, AFAIK.
We're basing this on the opinion of a a biased reporter, who wached the video and described what they saw?
Disclaimer, required around here:
Fuck Israeli Government.
Fuck Hamas.
If Israel brought out video evidence of these specific guys doing stuff before then I'd agree. But with their track record the burden is definitely on them to prove these guys were combatants they just happened to catch unaware.
If you've ever seen a Hamas video they sneak through the opnenings in the sides of buildings. They certainly don't walk around in the open like this without worries.
The burden of evidence lies on israel, and just like that time they drone striked an ambulance, no evidence will be presented.
The context is the HD video footage of the IDF drone striking obvious unarmed civilians.
Where's the context showing these people were enemy combatants deserving a death sentence by drone strike? Do you always take the "guilty until proven innocent" line, or is this a race thing?
The cynic in me thinks the IDF would not use $3000 in munitions to kill four random guys. Bullets are dirt cheap fpv bomb drones are expensive. From that I can only assume someone really wanted to kill one of them for some reason that we can not determine from the limited footage. I'm not saying war crimes including intentional starvation and indiscriminate fire are not happening but I don't think this is one of them this looks far too coordinated and planned to be a random act of aggression.
This isn't the first or even new example, it's been happening for years. Even to the point where Hamas and other militant groups claimed that the IDF was poor at infantry fighting which is why they overly rely on vehicles and standoff weapons.
I think it's just that because Israel is doing a large scale offensive, the fog of "they were Hamas" doesn't fly anymore so its much more reportable in the media, along with an increase of examples.