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  • I like the windows delete philosophy of asking me before I delete something.

    I fucking hate the windows delete philosophy of telling me I don't have access after I said yes.

    I'm this close to daily driving as Sadmin

  • I'm so annoyed when I tell rm to delete a terabyte of data and it's nowhere near instant. I'd have probably gone insane if I was using Windows.

    • 1TB for Windows... depends on file size, but let's presume you have 1TB of Word documents... just hit Enter and go watch the Matrix trilogy.

      • "what are you trying to tell me? I'll be able to select 'yes' when it asks me if I'm sure I want to delete?"

        "No, Neo. I'm saying when you switch to Linux you won't have to."

    • Akchooly, what you're referring to as terabyte (TB) is called tebibyte (TiB), because window$ suck and JADEC made everyone believe that binary units are metric units, which is stupid. But we have the savior IEC which KDE is using in all of their software and I respect that.