Citizen ! For crimes committed against the People's Republic of Lemmygrad, its people, its institutions, and its Constitutionally-protected dictatorship of the proletariat!
You are at this time accused of the following charges:
Using AI to craft answers for you!
Refusing to answer questions by our comrade investigators in the Stasi!
Upsetting our peaceful order and inciting sedition in our dictatorship of the proletariat!
Being smugly liberal!
We, the highest court of the People's Republic of Lemmygrad, sentence you to exile for these transgressions! Your exile is effective now, and is not conducive to a retrial or appeal! The sentence is pronounced!
Nobody can say that he wasn't given ample opportunity and more than reasonable responses prior to his just sentencing.
He got more nuanced feedback in a post in Memes than he probably will ever see again in
To be fair it's always fun to dunk on bad faith libs saying communism has never worked and then ten minutes later trying to claim they're a communist lol
Anarchists will really try to rip us apart for being "authoritarian", but when you ask them how their system would deal with crimes, upholding socialism, or maintaining any semblance of order, their responses are almost always far more extreme than ours.
Genuinely had an Anarchist call me an "evil person" and a "future baby killer" for saying that I'm ML. Then when I asked them about their proposed methods for preventing counter-revolution, they described a system where anyone can murder anyone else if the victim was suspected of wanting to act against the revolution. No trial, no investigation, just the word of the murderer.
Edit to add another thought to; "their responses are almost always far more extreme than ours."
If it's not more extreme, it's lax to the point of being nothing. So the poles are either a system of total chaos, or substanceless idealism.
Also worth noting that power structures will arise whether you plan on it or not. All that happens extroverts and narcissists will naturally gravitate into positions of power when there isn't an explicit process to decide who should be in charge. This is a fantastic read on the subject