He’d apparently rather have his assets seized by the New York attorney general.
He can use the footage of the sheriffs locking up his properties during the seizures to fund raise. It doesn't hit the same if he declares bankruptcy for the 7th time in his life.
The problem is I think they have been bled dry. They had some savings and assets, but the last few years they have been cashing them in to go to rally's and donate to Trump, expecting to get it back 10x return.
It's gonna be ugly when reality hits them, and that's why this is going to be so dangerous and most likely turn violent. Hopefully the violence can be contained , but many of his supporters simply won't accept reality that he is unpopular outside of their make believe world.
Trump has never declared personal bankruptcy. This would be a huge blow to him, as everything from his business empire to his personal wealth, would be gone.
Trump is giving way too much credit to his supporters, who openly don't care about his previous 6 bankruptcies, and have even ridiculously tried to spin said bankruptcies to their GodEmperorDaddy's credit.
"Hundreds of companies" have filed for bankruptcy, Trump said earlier in the debate. "I used the law four times and made a tremendous thing. I'm in business. I did a very good job."
There's this thing I've noticed on Facebook, I don't fully understand but they post things Maga really want to be true like 'try that in a small town singer smashes tailor swift attendance record' with an obviously unrelated or fake picture. The comments are almost everyone acting like it's true, there was one about some woke companies share value falling fifty percent with everyone celebrating then once comment linking to a share price tracker pointing out its not even close to true.
I don't know who makes them or why but the comnent section believes them.
This dude will unlock all xbox/steam/Playstation achievements in one go.
Most bankrupted businessman
Most charged ex president in history
Most impeached president in history
Told most lies in one presidential term (in history)
I don't understand how he has supporters when he constantly goes on about how great Russia is. Aren't you guys supposed to be mortal enemies or something.
Only his businesses have declared bankruptcy before. He’s never declared personal bankruptcy. If you declares his personal bankruptcy, his whole empire could come crumbling down.
“He thinks about what is going to play politically well for him. Bankruptcy doesn’t play well for him, but having her try to take his properties might.” While Trump may actually be right about that—it’s not hard to imagine him convincing his supporters that he’s the unjust victim of government tyranny, claiming America has devolved into a communist hellhole, and telling people they’ll be next—he is, of course, no stranger to bankruptcy protection.
I disagree that he thinks bankruptcy doesn't play well for him. He'll probably play the victim card for the ruling and try to spin bankruptcy as some kind of genius financial 'turning-of-the-tables'. He knows he can spin it any way he wants to his base but is too narcissistic to acknowledge anyone else could see through it.
I mean, that is the only play he could make, of course, but his image of a big, strong, brilliant business billionaire will be very difficult to maintain while he is sitting in the poorhouse. He will be stripped of his entire identity of anything other than a big fat, drooling, dumb ass crybaby. I don’t know that his supporters will be very interested in voting for that anymore.
That might work if they had a chance to see him through any other lens than their self-imposed media bubble.
Trump's public persona in those spaces never bore any resemblance to reality and they'll keep curating his messianic image until well after he's in the ground.
Are we seeing a repeat of 2016?
Winning was secondary to setting up a nice grift...
Taking over the RNC to siphon money off for legal bill instead of using those resources for down ballot races.
One would think that Donnie could get someone to post his bond with a lean against his truth social windfall.
Letting NY seize a few properties is good theater.
Declaring personal bankruptcy could have unintended consequences