Pact of Meta Knowledge Warlock
Pact of Meta Knowledge Warlock
Pact of Meta Knowledge Warlock
My wife once played a Wizard with the Hermit background, and decided that the "secret she knew" was that she was a character in a game. She would periodically make references to older rule sets. Yes, THAC0 was name-dropped.
Adding a new form of long-term madness to my tables…”you are convinced you’re part of a simulation”
Reminds me of the eldritch ant post.
Image Transcription:
Format: Tumblr posts
chandra-nyalaar says: "my favorite d&d thing is when someone flubs like a really obvious perception roll or something and the DM gets to be like 'well, you're pretty sure you're in a room but you could be wrong.'"
animar-smol-of-elephants says: "it is either really wet of really dry, you're not entirely sure"
ugin-the-spirit-dragon says: "One time a guy in our party rolled a nat 20 on a perception check, but there was nothing around he didn't already see, so the DM said 'You're not quite sure, but for a few seconds it seems like you're standing on a giant's table, surrounded by 5 giants.Your party seems to look stiff and fake,and large papers and dice are strewn around you. Then, everything goes back to normal.'"
Hey, did you want some formatting tips for transcriptions? (Former ToR here)
I run a multidimensional (Sliders-like) campaign, and every time the players do a transit they are given a momentary glance at another reality. My personal favorite of these has been:
For a moment you're all sat around a table. The smell of pasta and garlic hang strongly in the air. You have this sensation that, while you're here, you're family. Someone one sets down a basket of bread sticks... and you arrive at your destination.
I have a longstanding idea to make a Pact of the DM Warlock.
Does it require you to donate snacks to the DM in order to keep your powers
"There is a chance, however remote, that you could be your own dad"