To be fair, that's sort of our bag. The idea of electing an actor (Regan) caused some nervous clenching back in the day, but after that we pretty uniformly just elect the weirdest or most entertaining candidate that makes it through the primaries.
Bill Clinton vs. Bush "Don't ask me about the CIA" the First? Bubba for the win against an incumbent.
Gore who reminds you of vaguely of a too-handsome funeral director vs. Bush "I can't talk good" the Second? Hold my beer.
McCain "let me tell you about POWs" vs. No Drama Obama? I know who I'm inviting to my BBQ. We can all drink Mojitos and laugh and point at the racists while they lose their minds.
Hilary "Jesus, she's not even president and you can't shut the fuck up about her for the last 25 years AND she comes with a mess of Bill's baggage" Clinton vs. ... well, you get the idea.
Biden is a bit of an outlier, but so was everything about 2016-20. It's like the nation rolled its collective eyes, sighed, and said "enough with all the entertainment. It's not fucking funny anymore." And it was a nail biter. So there's that.
“Anthony Hayden-Guest stepped in to call Dechert a “miserable blob.”
Patrick McMullan via Getty Images
Here, it seems, Dechert sensed the need for a new rhetorical tack, and let rip a loud, prolonged fart while yelling, as if to underscore his point, “I’m farting!””
Who the fuck just screams “I’m farting” in that situation?
A man who didn’t mean to fart during an argument and wanted to make it seem intentional to save face, that’s who.
The elderly, gassy gentleman seems to have a long history of doing stupid shit in public. He's like the wealthy and well connected version of the teen girl with the unwashed "if you can't handle me at my worst..." t-shirt.
I like to imagine that he'll go away if you ignore him hard enough, but I also know that's not true.