Scientists fear planetary shift as record ocean heat enters second year | Warming trend could represent a major change to Earth systems that cannot be reversed on any human time scale
Scientists fear planetary shift as record ocean heat enters second year | Warming trend could represent a major change to Earth systems that cannot be reversed on any human time scale
We can't reverse it, but we can limit how much more warming we get.
walter_wiggles Wait is it time to freak out, or are we still being hopeful?
24 0 Replyclassic Yes it's time to freak out...
...about the AWESOME savings at your local Dollar Tree! Where plastic trinkets are 2 for 1 - that's right, 2 for 1 - all this week! The more plastic trinkets you buy the more you save!! Now THAT is a recipe for hope!!!
31 0 Replyknightly the Sneptaur
The time to freak out was probably before you or I were even born.
14 0 ReplyProdigalFrog
We should be freaking out, but as Silence7 says in the text body, we can still limit how much hotter things will get, but we need to move quickly.
7 0 ReplyLath Nah, we're getting ready to get fucked.
Whatever disagreement still exists is what kind of lube to use before we assume the position.6 0 Replyax_xa There will be no lube.
7 0 Reply
darvocet Guys guys.. it’s fine. Have you seen the stock market?
21 0 Replynovibe Exponential change ripping through to fuck everyone’s sense of security and ideas for the future!
3 0 ReplySon_of_dad Can't wait till scientist blame this on me and plastic straws, instead of billionaires and corporations
3 2 Reply