You can change the default file manager. I've been using Nemo for years because Nautilus was pretty bad. Once I update I'll have to re-evaluate and see what I think.
It's already in extra-testing so I expect it to come soon, unless its dependency on util-linux-libs-2.40rc2, which is currently in core-testing, slows it down.
What I wish for in the future:
-ability to have your Thunderbird calendar displayed in the Gnome shell calendar without going through Evolution
-a better guided tour for newcomers as it’s easy to miss a lot of the features offered
-automount easily my kDrive cloud via WebDAV
Otherwise I love Gnome even if I’m looking forward to customizing a Plasma 6 VM.
KDE Plasma 6 made it to Arch about a week before Tumbleweed. Tumbleweed is also still using Xorg by default for Plasma 6. That said both had it in their repos withing 2 weeks of release. Is there some history here for Gnome on Arch?
These updates land on testing quickly, however due to the several packages updated at once, they all need to be tested by volunteers, and only when all of them are signed it's pushed out of testing