Liking an OS isn’t a personality trait, but evangelizing for Free and Open Source Software which generally has no budget for advertising is a noble cause.
I mean if you come into a community which has a leaning it is just a natural consequence to get confronted with that leaning more then somewhere else, isn't it?
Like going into a Bible circle and saying that every other comment is about god which borders on obsession. I mean yes maybe but it is not surprising.
I'd just like to interject for a moment. What you're refering to as Linux, is in fact, GNU/Linux, or as I've recently taken to calling it, GNU plus Linux.
I saw a post last night of a dude lamenting how difficult installing Windows was and listed a bunch of problems I find absolutely absurd. You're telling me you know how to remedy driver issues in Linux, but can't figure out how to in modern Windows, which does it automatically?
There are plenty of things wrong with Windows that you don't need to make shit up.
In my experience, windows always gets something wrong with drivers and I have to go do some stupid shit to fix it. And then later fight windows update as it tries to override my fix. Windows problems are rarely immediately apparent, whereas Linux problems usually are.
Was your last experi nice with Windows with Vista or something? 7,8,10,11 have all been almost entirely work free for installing any hardware that isn't exotic or boutique stuff.
I am not one of the people weighing in based on an arbitrary experience or a small sample set. I've installed Windows literally tens of thousands of computers. The only thing can think of in the last 10 years I needed to find a driver for is some USB barcode scanners that emulate serial devices, and the driver for an android phone to be able to flash the boot loader.
Every device that a computer actually needs to run just work.
I haven't had driver problems in forever, unless I'm using some old weird device that I haven't used in ages. And even then usually going into device manager and telling it what kind of device the unknown device is usually fixes it.
You’re telling me you know how to remedy driver issues in Linux, but can’t figure out how to in modern Windows, which does it automatically?
Honestly? Yes.
Windows tries to do a bunch of shit automagickally, but when the process fails it's a nightmare to diagnose and manually fix. Linux is more rudimentary but also much more transparent. Once you know what you need to do, it's very easy to see where you went wrong.
I've used Linux and Windows about equally. Windows is way less of a hassle. Unless you need a super specialized environment or are running a server, the hoops you need to go through on Linux to do a lot of otherwise simple things aren't worth it.
What, you don't like a handful of private mega-corps decimating the groundwater reserves of the upper Midwest so that some dorks can try and scam Amazon with fake books?
The techbros who are into AI just want to own things without putting in the work. They want to sell you AI generated images as Art and puff up their SEO with LLM chatbots.
I'm sorry to hear you're frustrated. As an AI, my job is to assist and provide you with the information or help you need. Please feel free to let me know how I can better assist you, and I'll do my best to address your concerns.
Technically the technology is open to the public but regular people cannot afford to implement it.
The thing that makes Large Language Models hardly functional is scaling up their databases and processing power of one of several of their small models with specialized tasks. One model creates output from input, another model checks it for accuracy/coherency, a third model polices it for things that are not allowed.
So unless you've got a datacenter and three high powered servers with top-grade cooling systems and a military grade power supply, fat fucking chance.
Especially in regards to Linux, which with many of the most vocal adherents doing so because they reject corporate control over their lives and want to see the rest of the world do so as well. It is very much a political issue to them, and so it's not surprising that you see it crop up just as much as politically oriented posts, because the Linux-posting is essentially the same thing. It's "politics" for the nerd-set. Same with piracy. Some people involved with these have deep anti-corporate and anti-capitalist philosophical roots for their reasons behind why they live like that, and they're often not afraid to "preach" it to others.
So yeah, shitposts sadly aren't going to stop it anytime soon.
Frankly, freedom of computation (basically, property rights as applied to electronics) is politics for everyone; it's just that normies don't understand how important it is.
You know, it's kind of interesting, because I kind of wonder, and I'm sure someone could educate me to, the differences between philosophical outlooks that drive these different ideals.
If you were like, a windows or mac purist, you'd maybe just be gunning for as much mass adoption as possible, meaning that you have as much interoperability, or, accessibility, as possible, and maybe you're just biting the bullet in terms of like, corporate shenanigans and control. Basically you'd just be like, admitting defeat, to some extent, it'd be a compromise ideology. It's sort of like the same ideology that pushes one big centralized set of servers for everything, compared to everyone running their own little instances. Sure, you're getting a lack of security, lack of flexibility, and thus, potentially, the functionality of the app ends up sucking depending on what you're doing, yadda yadda. But in return, you get mass adoption. This is kinda flip-flopped with like, Linux purism, right? And then the natural use cases and market adoption for it tends to just be the more niche uses, that demand such flexibility.
So, which is more important for free access. Actual legal freedom, which even works itself into the structure of the app itself, right, or just, straight mercenary mass adoption, under any means necessary? I dunno.
On one hand, within the current structure of the economy and political landscape, globally, it's kind of impossible to achieve mass adoption with Linux, and I think mass adoption of it is almost kind of antithetical to the anarchism of the project itself, as is mass adoption of most anarchist political projects. It's just kind of impossible to win in a head-to-head competition with larger corporations, or with more short-term gains focused ideologies.
I'm still just running windows 10 LTSC with MAS, and it works fine for me, so that's obviously where my ideological line is kind of threaded, just having everybody have the best free version of windows, maybe with some sort of increased privacy modifications to cut down on telemetry and shit like that, but I kinda doubt people could actually do that without destroying the usability of the system like all of those tend to do, or else someone would've probably done it by now.
Hey the Linux community is active so they show up on All. Same thing with video game communities, it's a reflection of the interests of those who populate Lemmy. I don't care for either but we gotta start someplace. IMO it's largely due to the concept of the fediverse and instances and not simply an app you sign up to. FWIW, I barely get it. Folks here seem to be a tech savvy bunch
They accost posts en mass that have nothing to do with Linux CONSTANTLY. It's actually really, really obnoxious, and it's absolutely chasing people away from this platform.
In June 2010, the government was expressing real interest in social networks. The Air Force issued a public request for "persona management software," which might sound boring until you realize that the government essentially wanted the ability to have one agent run multiple social media accounts at once.
It wanted 50 software licenses, each of which could support 10 personas, "replete with background, history, supporting details, and cyber presences that are technically, culturally and geographically consistent."
The software would allow these 50 cyberwarriors to peer at their monitors all day and manipulate these 10 accounts easily, all "without fear of being discovered by sophisticated adversaries." The personas would appear to come from all over the world, the better to infiltrate jihadist websites and social networks, or perhaps to show up on Facebook groups and influence public opinion in pro-US directions.
There's a whole slew of software aimed at creating numerous sockpuppet accounts that is called "Persona Management Software." It's certainly the word the US government uses to describe an online identity.
Hey...I also advocate for more solidarity within communities, growing your own food, using less plastic & cars, and Star Trek...Linux is just like 30% what I talk about.
Yes. And then, when you ask them 1 simple question they’re like "READ THE WIKI"
Dude/tte I don’t know anything about Linux. I’ve used the command line on my Mac 8~9 times and sometimes on windows and that’s it.
I really want to install Asahi (Arch) on my Mac as a VM before dual-booting but I’m failing for a week now and money‘s too tight atm to get even a cheap $50 laptop for testing.
I’ve used the command line on my Mac 8~9 times and sometimes on windows and that’s it.
Then Arch probably shouldn't be your starting point. If you're really insistent, then you also need to be patient. You need to learn a lot, and will definitely need to read. It's like not knowing how to drive and wanting to drive an F1 car. There's knowledge and experience you need to have before getting behind the wheel, but if you're okay with crashing a lot then go for it.
Yeah and that's exactly what grinds my gears about the Linux crowd here. On one hand they're in every thread talking about how easy it is and how everyone should make the switch regardless of skill. That is until something goes wrong and the response is 'lol educate yourself'
"Read the wiki" in response to questions is literally Arch's explicit community ethos. They used to plainly tell you at the forums that it would be the first response to any question that could be answered by the wiki. (They still may, I don't currently run Arch)
Almost literally any other distro is a better choice if diving into the wiki isn't how you want to start things with Linux.
This conversation can only happen by me being the person OP is mocking, BTW.
dId YoU rEaD tHe WiKi? RtFm!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I agree that you should read the wiki first, but the wiki is a reference, not an answer to all your problems, most wiki entries are solutions that came from people on forums asking questions.
Don't even get me started on clowns who will tell you to rtfm, then when a solution does come out, nobody documents it, AT ALL. Nothing but a bunch of gatekeeping freeloaders.
I would recommend experimenting with one of the less engaged distros before you just dive into something like that, it will save you a lot of headache.
Given how screwy computer tech gets sometimes you'd think there'd be more empathy for "I tried what's in the damned wiki already I'm asking for help because it didn't work!"
Shit sometimes it's not even written wrong, you just slipped and put an O instead of a 0 and the text editor's font doesn't distinguish them enough for someone who isn't specifically hunting for that to realize.
Still the funniest 8 hour long setup to a punchline I've had on mine and a lab partner's heads though!
It's not actually! I'm a semi-noob and manage to get it running like a charm on my M1 in like 30 minutes. It uses KDE so you can set it up to be like win or macos in a few clicks. I'm just waiting for a it to take full advantage of my powerfull GPU to make it my main os.
Using another person’s computer for three minutes to fiddle with start menu icons, with half the OS integration disabled, is very different from setting it up as your personal system with your own hardware.
Pretty much why I blocked c/technology from my feed. They could turn a post about a scientist studying crab migration into a debate about why the crabs aren't running fuckin Linux. Not everything has to be about an OS, you lot. They're basically Computer Mormons.
Jesus, look at all the upvotes... What's wrong with you people? Can you really not help yourselves? Or is it just one or two narcissists with a ton of accounts?
You all stay here as long as you need. Nobody likes Windows... Nobody likes it. Shhhh shhh shh. It's okay. Linux is the open source solution everyone needs, not just some niche communities. Everyone!
To be fair I don't really like any os that is out there right now but I don't have an option that I would really like. I have a Mac as my work laptop my pc runs both Windows 10 and Manjaro. I also have a Steam Deck and a Rog Ally. Frankly I have complaints and issues for each OS and use each of them for different task and things. My point is I don't really like any of them but from all of those choices Linux is kinda the lesser evil. If there was a way better option like a forth os that everything works, all apps would be compatible with it, it would be less of a hassle and not spy on me and especially not force updates on me or crush do to multiple reasons including the forced updates then sign me up cause I would switch to it in a heartbeat.
That's half the problem, they don't contain themselves to those communities. If they find the faintest way to jam Linux into an active conversation, they'll do it regardless of the community.
Lol, 70℅ of my students base their personality on the fact they have iphones. Will you make a meme about people brainwashed by big capitalist business or do you prefer to complain about people actively using and contributing to free, fair and ethical alternative to corporate bullshit? I'm on Nobara btw. It comes will all codecs pre-installed and you have the option to use Gnome or Plasma.
Lol, what does having my "perception tainted" mean? I hate apple because it's a soulless buisiness that exploits workers around the world and sell overpriced products. Those are facts, what's tainted about that? I still have a Macbook for my job, probably the best laptop i ever had, but admitting they create good product doesnt make me an Apple fanboy.
Linux users are inherently required to operate the operating system more than Windows or Mac. It’s something they spend time doing and therefore a frequent enough activity that some people talk about that activity.
It's difficult to take someone seriously when they use the phrase "online persona".
I also don't really see the Linux obsessed commenters everyone is obsessed with. Yes there are Linux memes. Yes I'm sure some people are fixated with Linux, but it doesn't seem like an overwhelming number.
Have you tried windows 11? It's actually pretty amazing.
Just kidding.
But seriously, I don't support shaming people for not using Linux. Let people use the OS they are most comfortable with! I mean, unless it's a Mac. Fuck that noise.
Yep, perhaps I didn't express well enough, but what I meant is that Lemmy (Linux community) don't get along with ads at all, which should be like an obvious take of this meme, as they just became what they hate