Packaging proudly stating that they have added any water to the chicken.
Well, gee thanks, seems like a low bar... edit: Additional complaint is that Album of the Day is a monstrosity
You know, this might be the first Thursday in the history of UKCasual where I have nothing to complain about!
I mean, there are about thirty things on my list of "things that are currently stressing me" but they're generally small things that an NT person wouldn't recognize as a valid stressor, so I'll keep those ones to myself.
Oh actually no! Disregard all the above!
My complaint is that they've changed 7UP Free to 7UP Zero Sugar and I was hoping like hell it'd just be a branding thing but no, the new one is much less tasty 😭
Same. Electrician is here so I'm stuck in the living room with bits and bobs from the bedroom surrounding me. But, it's sunny. And because of the up and down power today I've told my clients I'm offline. And my SO has taken the kids out for the day. So I'm sitting here chilling playing Final Fantasy VI on my little RG35XX portable, without a care in the world. Even the random drilling and banging as power socket holes are made isn't bothering me. A great day!
Absolutly exploded at HR/security department today
I manage a team of developers some staff some contractors on multiple projects for a mid size enterprise with high tec manufacturing base.
I let most of my staff work from home as much as they want but bring them in occasionally (twice a year) just as I think appraisals are better face to face and when I do I buy them a canteen meal as part of the contractors I am literally not allowed to dictate place of work under ir35 so they can do what they please. Some of the team choose to be in office others at home some hybrid. (Sometimes we have projects involving 10tonne 5axis milling machines that needs a poke from the machine floor)
About 2 months ago security/hr said since pandemic they had lost track of who had access to buildings so would be terminating passes of all those not swiping in for 6months.. I (and a few others managers) emailed to clarify would they be able to keep their IT remote access, company laptop etc and visit on a visitor pass if really need (it failure), confirming this round up was just building access. And we were assured that it was just building access.
Fast forward to yesterday we get an email saying termination process has been initiated for contractors not visiting site (they live 150miles away). Rather than just removing the building access pass they have full on ended the contracts as "not being utilised", a contractor that logs on every day and to be honest is more useful than some of those who presentee at work.
Burst today. On the upside I’ve just picked up my shopping from click and collect (spag bol tonight and then my honey chill glazed ham in slow
Cooker the morn).
Off to pick up the wean’s Austrian pal tomorrow. Flying in to Edinburgh and I’m stressing about picking them up. That pick up carpet is extortionate! I’m thinking I’ll go sit in the nearby mcdudes and have them ring me when they’re ready to be picked up and I’ll just drive along and hopefully it’s a case of pulling up and they’re there. Knowing me though, it’ll all
Go tits up and I’ll end up spending a fortune on parking.
Thursdays are usually pretty good for me because I don't allow any meetings. I can just get on with actual work instead of having to talk to people.
One fairly minor moan - I've got a load of annual leave I need to use up by the end of August so have booked every Friday off for the next six weeks. Sounds great in theory, but the amount of work hasn't been reduced, and I already had more than I could reasonably fit into a week. It does mean that today is technically Friday though, so I'll count it as a win. @sideone
Yesterday (Thursday) I spent the day shifting stuff out of the garage (about to be knocked down) into a self store. The room we've got there is up some steps.
After a long day, I dropped a heavy thing on my foot. Felt like a fool, and also in amazing pain. Took my sock off there sat on/in the car boot to have a look (gross is all I'll say). That's all my race training postponed for a week at least (supposed to be Triathloning).
Then had to hulk the rest of the stuff up the stairs and finish up, because it was just me! Luckily that was the last car load.
Learned my lesson, next time I'm bringing a friend. And possibly steel capped boots.