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I hate the term "Boomer Shooter"

Not to say I hate the genre, I actually love me some Dusk or Turbo Overkill, but why, oh why are they called Boomer Shooters?

These games clearly took inspiration from 90s FPS games, which πŸ‘Œ, but they were played mostly by Gen Xers and Millenials, not Boomers. When games like Duke Nukem 3D or Quake were out, Boomers were what? 30 to 50 years old? I'm sure some of them played FPS games, but there is no way they were the majority.

Whenever I see the term Boomer Shooter, my mind goes to games like Shootout! for Magnavox Odyssey. Can't we call them something else, like Retro FPSes or something?

Anyway, rant over. Thank you for your time.

  • You seem like an intelligent and discerning person, so I'm sure you'll appreciate that the only possible response to this is "ok boomer"

  • I love the term. For me it's not just a shooter in an older style but also a shooter that goes BOOM. Much better than boring cover shooters.

    • Oh, they're definitely better, no question. But by that definition, wouldn't that make them Boom Shooters?

      • Na, because the newer shooters still go boom. But boomer shooters are just boomer. And everybody's waiting for the coming of the boomest shooter.

  • I never even considered that the name referred to baby boomers I thought it just meant they went "boom"

  • It's marketing doublespeak dreamed up by the totally deranged and it works

    You have to remember its millennials and Gen Z experiencing this genre, not boomers.

    • Boomer doesn't have to be literal boomers but old, like it is a joke in the WoW community to call it a boomer game because most of the people playing it (especially classic) are 30+ years old.

      In the same way, people will talk about boomers in politics but Obama was the last baby boomer in the presidency.

  • I get that the term doesn't line up age wise with actually Boomers in terms of calendar years, but also video game generations are shorter than social generations. We're currently on the "ninth-generation" of video games, and Doom came out at the beginning of the third generation of video games. So you could consider Doom-likes to be 6 generations old, and baby-boomers to be 4 generations old. So in terms of "generations", Boomer shooters should maybe be named after an older generation such as the "Greatest Generation" (6 generations ago). Therefore I propose we call Doom-likes "Greatest Shooters" instead of "Boomer shooters".

    • Oh, I'm liking this take. Get ready for "Z Shooters" and "Alpha Shooters".

  • played mostly by Gen Xers and Snake People

    For a moment there I was really confused, I forgot about this wonderful extension

  • An actual boomer shooter would be like Space Invaders.

    But at least it's got a name I suppose so if you like them you can find them and differentiate them from all your online XP bar tutorial modern bullshit.

  • I think they're called that because they postdate the "looter shooter" that combined Diablo-esque "action RPGs" with FPS games, like Borderlands and Destiny. "Looter" without the "shooter" is a much better name for Diablo's genre anyway, since we have far too many RPGs that are also action games and have nothing in common with Diablo.

    I'm still waiting for the resurgence of the style of shooter that came just after those that inspired this wave of boomer shooter; the likes of Half-Life, Halo, 007, TimeSplitters, and so on. I don't know what subgenre will be assigned to those games when they start to come back around, but that style is also old at this point, so hopefully it doesn't also get assigned the label of "boomer shooter", because then it'll be harder for both audiences to find what they're looking for.

  • Maybe it works if read as "games made by boomers?" ... Yeah I have no idea how old anyone was/is. Time and I don't really get along 🀷

    Also, going along with a thing I've been seeing in these comments, I'm idly curious as to whether anyone who isn't a Boomer cares about use/misuse/abuse of the term "Boomer" πŸ€”

    • From what I've seen, Boomer Shooters were actually often developed by Gen Xers (and played by Millennials), and both of them despise being lumped with the boomers - hence why they dislike the term :p

      • I guess that makes sense. I'd be upset if critters kept associating me with boomers 😼 I don't play those so I guess I just haven't been around the term enough to get a feel for it.

  • Gen-X: Whatever.

    continues to slay in Warhammer 40K: Boltgun

  • It's so curious, I swear I heard "boomer shooter" used to refer to another type of FPS... But then again I guess the definition has changed. What term do people use nowadays for slow FPSes that are more tactical, rather than twitch-reflex reliant, like ARMA?

    • Those are tactical shooters. If it's a simulator like ARMA then the term "milsim" (military simulator) is also used. Good example of a non-ARMA tactical shooter would be Ready or Not, Squad, Insurgency, or S.W.A.T

      • Makes sense. And I have heard those terms before. I guess i just need to update my internal definition. All this time I thought boomer shooter meant "slow FPS for old folks who can't keep up in Valorant anymore". Which is a group I probably belong to myself, to be honest.

  • If it helps try thinking of it as a "boomer shooter" because of the proliferation of rockets and rocket physics in classic games like Unreal and Quake