And then validate the email with a custom regex that definitely doesn’t account for all the valid syntax permutations defined by the several email-oriented RFCs
I've had that before and I'm very confident the password was correct - my theory is that they'd changed how non-ASCII characters like £ were handled and their code only half recognised my password.
The guy coding made it so, on your first attempt, even if you answer correctly, it will tell you your login failed due to incorrect username or password, to joke about how it feels like you always get it wrong on the first try
The logic is bugging me, though. It should be if isFirstAttempt || !isPasswordCorrect
I understand the meme is trying to convey in spite of being correct to still return an error, but then it doesn't account for when the password is actually incorrect.
Example of what My passwords are like : %*7EfOLkN@6AP28!8Dl#
or potentially if allowed : W@c2wYnN9J3xGcyc47#ZkHJvt&Hm%q&Ad0b&Xwz#jnl4Th%6UBexD16a$YBFc@svnVrCBxXP0EpwLp6%Gk*Lom%@Qq#DjY1zsf0CzIrHHqPc8gt4edDVsg!omj*kIsIJ
Good luck guessing my shit.
I suspect if the cracking code was constructed such that it had more weight on trying combinations of common words then this would be much easier to crack
It should be that it rejects the password the first time it's entered correctly but accepts it on every subsequent try. That actually would provide some protection against like dictionary attacks and raw brute force attacks.
could also work in a brute force scenario, but first attempt would be not first attempt in a set amount of time but first attempt for each password by the user in a fixed amount of time
Won't protect against an offline attack (just will confuse the hell out of the hacker) but might confound an online attack? Until someone gets wise and runs the tool a second time. Loving the chaotic neutral vibes here.
It doesn't really even protect against online attacks though. Like, if you're going through a list of known accounts, by definition it won't be any of those accounts' first time logging in, right?
And if you're not going through a list of known accounts, good luck getting anywhere with your attack any time this millennia
Oh all of my configs are deny root ssh login or without-password. I noticed a significant decrease in scans when returning a root prompt when I did that. This was also in the mid 2000s so who knows how things would be in this day in age for a reduction in scans
no, since it first checks if the password is correct. if it is, display error message. if it is corrent and the second time, accept the password (code not in screenshot)
but if the password is wrong, it doesnt check if it is the first attempt.
How does that stop a brute force attack? As written, it only stops the single luckiest brute force attack that happens to get the password right on their first try.
No, it's correct - say your password gets leaked across thousands of passwords. A hacker will try to crack all of them with a program that guesses them once, which as the image suggests defeats these types of programs