KeePassXC 2.7.7 released
KeePassXC 2.7.7 released
KeePassXC 2.7.7 released
Keepassxc is my go to. It's open sauce, works on all my computers and phones, has a browser plugin. And I don't need to have it exposed to the internet like LastPass and all the others :)
There's KeePassXC for phones?
KeePassDX. Different codebase, but 100% compatible and even same color theme.
KeePassDX. Uses the same KeePass 4 database format. You can keep your database synced between devices using any number of file syncing services, allowing you to choose one you feel matches your threat model
I use KeePassium on iOS, it uses the same file format so it works very well together with KeePassXC.
Best pw manager.
Passkeys support (for desktop browsers)! And it's already in Flathub as of 3 hourss ago.
/need qt6 port 💕 That my last package that pull qt5-stuff deps.