Nope. I never made an Instagram account. I used to be on fb all the time, but I deleted my account like 6 years ago and I don't miss it whatsoever. Now unless you count watching YouTube videos, Lemmy is the only social media I'm on. And I'm a happier person for it.
I don’t feel like they’re the poster child for enshittification; I still use Facebook the same as I did in 2006. It got worse, true, but it’s not enshittification worse. It’s worse because every cunt with a phone can get on from their phones. I don’t feel it’s enshittification as there’s no fees and it still serves the same basic function of keeping in touch with friends/family and uploading photos. How do you feel it was enshittified?
If they were charging for photo storage or a certain number of friends, or fees for business pages, I’d agree. I don’t see monitization or the ruthless pursuit of profit as the main force behind why Facebook sucks these days.
The only thing that makes creating an Instagram tempting is the fact that every single tattoo artist in the area seemingly uses Instagram exclusively to post their work, and you can only scroll through so many posts without an account. Makes it very frustrating to research potential artists.
No. Well, kind of. Reluctantly. I check facebook once a week because so much of my kids' activities are planned there. And I only do so on one specific computer, and in incognito mode.
Nope. And them making it harder and harder to exist without an account just makes me more resilient. I can't view content on Facebook anything or even reddit anything anymore. I take that as a win because I'm not being fingerprinted properly so they assume I'm a robot. Which is a win.
I use Instagram mainly for business purposes. I do have a personal account that I occasionally use.
My FB account is deactivated (in theory), the only reason I haven’t closed it yet is because Meta still hasn’t sent me my data that I requested. I don’t want them to use that against me.
I recently open a intagram account again... Is just easier to keep in touch with old friends there, also tbh easier to have contact with girls. I try no to scroll there tho.
No. I was on Facebook when I was in my early 20s but I found it hollow and vapid; everyone being fake, showing off and pretending for their feeds. I also didn't like how much data Facebook/meta was harvesting so I deleted my account. I haven't missed it and it's been over 15years.
The only social media I use is Lemmy (previously reddit), and that is anonymous and separate from my life - way better than the fake shit on Facebook.
Instagram, Tiktok etc - it's all fake and narcissistic, influencers are just shills, and the companies themselves are just stealing your data and advertising at you the entire time.
1, A source of widespread dreadful affliction and devastation such as that caused by pestilence or war.
2. A means of inflicting severe suffering, vengeance, or punishment.
3. A small whip used to inflict punishment.
Never been on Instagram, but it's almost impossible to have a social life or be involved with political activism without Facebook and/or Messenger. It all gets organised and announced there.
My partner has an Instagram account and I sometimes look along over their shoulder (with their knowledge!). It feels a bit weird though, because the algorithm is not in tune with what I like and to me it just seems like an endless list of similar videos. Yet my partner can easily spend an hour just scrolling through all of that stuff.
Personally, I had a Facebook account when it was still newish, but I got rid of it. I was just getting more and more depressed wondering why my life wasn't as great as that of others. It took me a while to realize that, of course, they were just trying to show off to keep up with others showing off.
Other than that, I lost some really good long-distance friends to Facebook. One of my best friends went from fun exchanges over long e-mails to only wanting to post on Facebook to her followers. Still hurts when I think about it.
So no.. I am not a Facebook or Instagram user, and never will be (again).
I typically log in to facebook a couple times a month to see if anyone sent me any messages.
But then I check it frequently during crises. Our town (small regional town out in the bush) has a community group that shares location and severity of bushfires or storms, local power outages, missing animals, emergency calls, criminal activity (break ins, theft of equipment, suspicious behaviour like unfamiliar vehicles parking outside their house, etc).
Facebook, reluctantly. For some old friends, for some authors I really like, for specific events that only get posted there, and for my municipality’s news feed which again is mostly posted on FB only (and I hate that but I have no choice).
And I’ve got 4 Instagram accounts. But I don’t really use instagram that much anymore and haven’t since the start of pandemic when it just made me feel awful. I install the app when I need to/want to post a reel or a story. Otherwise I sometimes post pictures from my laptop and do some lurking.
So I feel like I’ve broken free from the scrolling prison, but I still use the platform. Sometimes.
Used to use Instagram back when it was good before Facebook bought it. Wouldn't touch it now. Even if you ignore Meta being Meta and their privacy record, the content on there is just dogshit ads, politics, engagement farming, and general low effort rubbish.
I still have a Facebook account, but only because the marketplace is a good way to sell things and messenger is what all my family and friends use to communicate. I could live without the marketplace but I really wish people would jump ship so I could stop using messenger and delete my account entirely.
I cross-post all of my tiktoks on Instagram cuz why not, but other than that I don't use it. I use Facebook to stay in touch with family. I know the younger generation doesn't really use facebook, but what social media do you guys use to stay in touch with irl friends and family? it seems like the only one out there that still requires real names other than nextdoor
Not anymore. Used to have both and deleted them as data mining and mishandling became more prevalent as the user experience declined. Now I’m only on Lemmy and barely on LinkedIn.