One of the popular alternatives is that God created the entire universe, a hundred billion stars with trillions of other celestial bodies in our galaxy, multiplied across hundreds of billions of galaxies or more, and then on this rocky planet, added water, magnetosphere, atmosphere, millions of species, dumped a lot of fossils in the ground, killed his son, and said believe in him and you'll be able to go to church forever.
At least the Mormons made a note of other planets existing, but still. I prefer to think of what else might be out there.
Religion that worships The God Of The Desert is still stuck in the Middle Eastern desert five thousand years ago, when science was non-existent and even writing/reading was a rare thing, as baffling to most people then as the inner workings of AI are to us now.
The principles and values (some sensible, some nonsensical and dangerous in the present world) of people living in the desert five thousand years ago are still being hammered into our minds as children by those who had it hammered to them as children also. Some break free of this conditioning in view of modern evidence, some do it partially, some don't do it at all.
Statistically speaking, human society should not exist... way too many random coincidences required simultaneously for intelligent life to even be possible... and that's why the very laws of physics are fighting slowly but surely to ensure that we will eventually cease existing without a trace
I believe we experience this timeline because it's the only timeline that can experience anything. All those other timelines where some shit didn't go right don't have human beings capable of experience, so of course we aren't there. I guess what I'm saying is... We are inevitable