- Kiwi Browser (Chromium Browser with Extensions support)
- LocalSend (Open source cross-platform alternative to AirDrop)
- Neo Store (F-Droid client with Material You design)
- Password Store (Password and OTP Manager)
- Prognoza (Weather app)
- Proton Mail
- SD Maid SE (Storage cleaner)
- Seal (Video/Audio Downloader)
- ViMusic (YouTube Music Client)
Termux is my lifeline to my main Emacs session. Besides ssh and small scripts I also run a couple of personalized services in it that I've written in Go.
Antennapod listened to thousands of hours of podcasts in it
Fedilab is my favorite mobile Mastodon client. I also use Jerboa for Lemmy but it's not quite at the favorite app level yet
KeyMapper is essential for me, especially when managing a physical keyboard
NewPipe for youtube
Shattered Pixel Dungeon roguelike dungeon crawler
MuPDF sensible PDF viewer
Also, RIP RedReader I know it still works but I've moved on from reddit.
If you are in this post you should definitely know about F-Droid, and if you don't... well, welcome to where open source apps are FOSSly distributed, and some paid apps on the Play Store like Fedilab and OsmAnd are completely free, both as beer and freedom.
Then, you can pay those 2.7$ directly to the developer (if you want) instead of giving part of it to Google.
I strongly recommend you install the Neo Store for a very modern frontend for F-Droid.
For extra coolness, activate the IzzyOnDroid repo on Neo Store for getting way more FOSS apps to download with quicker updates.
Aves libre is the best Foss app I've used for managing a picture library.
learned about Organic Maps recently and its a really nice (albeit very simple, for now) open street maps client for GPS navigation. The interface is super nice
Material files is by far my favorite file browser app, I've been using it since before I paid much attention to foss vs proprietary
App Manager - An app manager with super powers! With this app I can keep track off my apps permissions, operations, launch activities, freeze or uninstall bloatware. Although, my main reason to use this is the built-in apk/apks installer that shows the components, trackers, and differences between versions when updating an app. It has even more features I can't say. Truly amazing.
Aves - Best gallery app on Android. I love the mosaic view!
KDE Connect - Connect your Android with you PC. Can share files, sync clipboard, control media etc.
RethinkDNS - Best DNS/Firewall app I've ever used. Doesn't consume lot battery and it's super configurable.
URLCheck - I can't live without it. With this app I can check, modify, unshorten and remove tracking elements from links, and even select the app you want to open that link with - Really nice when using work profile.
Password Store + OpenKeychain - Supports Yubikeys (NFC and USB) for both decrypt and ssh+git sync
Uploads my photos to where another script can publish them to my photo gallery
Like Google Photos with "unlimited" storage and original quality
Element - Self hosted Synapse with Googlechat bridge eliminated regular Google Chat for me
KeePassXC - Yubikeys don't work for my wife. We handle shared passwords with this + Syncthing.
Aegis - 2FA with workable backup
I'm looking for:
Launcher most comparable to Nova. Majority FOSS launchers seem to be text-based search things which is getting way too into the weeds for me.
Mail app with good search. I don't think this actually exists because IMAP sucks too much but lack of search will always make the transition from Gmail nearly impossible.
Neo Launcher looks like exactly what I want! Thank you!
I had seen this referenced a few times in the past couple of weeks but finally got off my butt to check it out. I always install F-Droid but never bothered with extra repos. I guess I'll need to add that to my setup playbook because I'm gonna need Neo on everything now :).
It'd be kind of nice if I could run Ansible on an Android device. Full root backups aren't quite the same thing since I really want to apply the settings to multiple devices, not just splat a disk image on top of things.
I tried Neo Launcher a couple of rimes in the last week specifically for the Neo Feed add on (like Google feed but user defined RSS instead of Google). Neo Feed is excellent but unfortunately Neo Launcher doesn't allow a scrolling dock, which ive used for years with Nova Launcher.
Anyone know of an open source launcher with an option to have a scrolling dock? Bonus points if its compatible with Neo Feed!
Nothing to add in terms of lists because I've only just gotten into FOSS. I already use DuckDuckGo to block the insane amount of tracking on the Pixel7a I bought but still disturbed by all the forced google apps. So working my way through this list replacing what I can.
Thanks to all the people offering their suggestions and to OP for creating this convo! Freedom (from excessive tracking) is on the way.
Nextcloud - easily access my self-hosted cloud storage from anywhere when needed.
Firefox - browse the web, been a Firefox Stan for ages
K-9 Mail - I love the flexibility offered by this mail app
AntennaPod - it's been the best podcast app that I've come across that's also pretty configurable
Jerboa - Lemmy :P
Any chance you also listen to them on PC? I'm looking to move away from Pocket Casts to Antennapod but haven't looked into desktop players yet (web/win&lin)
Thanks for this great discussion question! I'd just flag that we'd generally ask that submitters also include some information of their own to to jumpstart the conversations. So I'd also ask you, what are your favourite FOSS apps and why? Feel free to edit your post and include in the description!
Everyone mentions "Seal" and while it is good, "DVD" is much better IMO. I've never encountered a site or link that DVD couldn't find and download the video.