Russia and other nations are working on “sovereign Internet” systems that threaten digital rights—and the stability of the global Internet
Nah, the bot farms and hacker groups would still have access to the goal net. It's just the Russian populace that would get cut off from the rest of us, nothing even a VPN could fix.
Large intranets are not a problem (that's how it was in the beginning in many places, rather fast and unlimited access to LAN resources, chats etc, but slow and expensive to the Internet), it's just that nothing inside Russia is going to be self-sufficient.
Also every dick without balls in a chair will try to get some control or share or get a bribe or just prevent this from happening so that his relative or something would get the contract.
This wasn't a factor with the large Internet being accessible (unbeatable competition), but will be with intranets (or a countrywide intranet). Nothing will get built. In the 90s such dicks simply didn't understand that this is a good business, so they allowed it to grow (still all the major telecom providers that survived had some connections with FSB etc, or so people say).
They are working on controlling access to the wider internet. The goal is to push people off of western services on to ones they control. This is so they can control the information their citizens see
Russian here. This is a super old claim from our government and is a common source of jokes, it's even called "Cheburnet" (from Cheburashka) colloquially, nobody really treats such claims seriously. Last time Russian government tried to influence internet was when they struggled to ban telegram for several years, and ended up giving up, endorsing it, and moving their official resources to it.
Okay, while I'm not a fan of a fragmented internet, I am a fan of losing all the russian trolls that plague many parts of the internet and online gaming. Counterstrike and similar games will lose their saltiest players too!
Reposting my reply to someone else on this topic for visibility:
The Russian scammers are using a ton of proxies and VPNs. Unfortunately, this change will not affect them unless the Russian government completely removes access to the global Internet, and even then, the corruption is so deep that many officials will be selling access to the global Internet to their friends or people with with money.
Russian scammers and social media manipulators are here to stay, likely because they're largely state run initiatives and they'll still have access to the global Internet.
What this does is keep the normal Russians insulated from the rest of the world and unable to coordinate outside of their own country, where everything they do is even more tightly controlled by the government.
1- All countries have trolls, in one degree or another.
2- That will also affect the Russian population, who will become even more isolated and powerless.
They do though, some of personal blogs i follow also banned in China; There is a saying in my circle of friends in Mainland China that the blog is “certified by Great Firewall of China” if a person’s blog got blocked
They also monitor internet communications and you can get your account deleted or a police visit if you post something to critical of the state. That's probably irresistibly attractive to Putin.
In my time working at a hosting provider we would get these very strange requests from the Russian government demanding Russian websites customers had with us be taken down for moral violations. Like a DMCA but for free speech.
Terrible situation, even if you're in the "well it's Russia so stuff them" camp. Countries moving to their own Internet is a terrible situation, one we've seen before with China and their deep censorship of online media.
It would be great, but think about it for a second. Russian bots and trolls that are operated by the government will still exist, it's not like they would cease trying to spread misinformation or destabilizing opinions. So that won't change at all. This would primarily affect the people in the country who would now be unable to see real news or learn things the government doesn't want them to.
I'm all for giving Russia the finger, but I do fear that it won't actually make anything better for the rest of us and would just make the people worse off.
I mean, if no normal citizen can access the outside internet then we will know for sure that any connection coming out of Russia has to be a bot. So that would make blocking them much more easier.
We must somehow patch a connection in, to ensure they have a sufficient quantity of international memes, cats and porn. Access to the internet is a basic human right these days, we surely cannot abandon them.
NSA and CIA are absolutely salivating at the idea of the Russians trying to roll their own TCP/IP stack. However good some of the Russian intel groups might be at offense, they are hot garbage at defense.
That’s not what they are trying to do at all though.
The article makes it sound more so like they want their own ‘great firewall’ like China, or to go even further and create something akin to North Korea.
Nah it's not. China doesn't need Russia in any capacity. It does need some of its natural resources, but not too badly really. It's not any more keen on exploiting those than in Central Asian countries. Just doing usual Chinese things, no bigger interest.
I do have mixed feelings about this. Let's say pool it off and Russia net is now thing. That makes it harder for Russian conmen to rum various scams and hacks, ex ransomware, but it makes it a lot harder for the people there to break out of the state own propaganda.
The Russian scammers are using a ton of proxies and VPNs. Unfortunately, this change will not affect them unless the Russian government completely removes access to the global Internet, and even then, the corruption is so deep that many officials will be selling access to the global Internet to their friends or people with money.
Russian scammers and social media manipulators are here to stay, likely because they're largely state run initiatives and they'll still have access to the global Internet.
What this does is keep the normal Russians insulated from the rest of the world and unable to coordinate outside of their own country, where everything they do is even more tightly controlled by the government.
That statement works for every other freedom you lose, it also serves to detect malicious intent from another person. There's always a middle ground, where nothing's perfect, but it's balanced. There's always a compromise. There's no perfect scenario. If you want a perfect society, you have to take away all freedom. If you give away all freedoms, there's anarchy.
This will be obviously all in the name of authoritarianism. Will the Russian Federation people benefit or will this be a means to control information? Note that my criticisms leveled against Russia could apply to Amurica as well. We Amuricans seem to have wet dreams of Christo-Fascism.
That way we can simply do nothing because only one political party is encouraging its constituents to arm up while the other wants everyone to disarm. Guess which side will win?