Faked images of black voters with Trump are a growing disinformation trend in the US election, the BBC finds.
BBC Panorama discovered dozens of deepfakes portraying black people as supporting the former president.
Mr Trump has openly courted black voters, who were key to Joe Biden's election win in 2020.
But there's no evidence directly linking these images to Mr Trump's campaign.
The co-founder of Black Voters Matter, a group which encourages black people to vote, said the manipulated images were pushing a "strategic narrative" designed to show Mr Trump as popular in the black community.
A creator of one of the images told the BBC: "I'm not claiming it's accurate."
What gets me about these AI bros is that they could use photoshop to fix the minor flaws like Trumps hand having the wrong color under it (apparently white hand on black skin fucks up the algorithm) but they never do.
They are such talentless hacks that even the most trivial work a real photographer do is insurmountable to them.
they could use photoshop to fix the minor flaws like Trumps hand having the wrong color under it
They could, but that would require them to understand how to use Photoshop rather than just typing in "Trump Black Campaign Popular" into a LLM and weeding out a few images that don't look entirely surreal.
They are such talentless hacks that even the most trivial work a real photographer do is insurmountable to them.
The scary shit about AI imagining is that, eventually, folks are going to get wise and start smoothing these out (by applying actual labor to the images rather than just letting the computer do all the work).
And then you really will have folks posting "Politician In Front Of A Large Crowd of Unlikely Supporters" images that aren't easily debunked or dismissed.
You'll also have a ton of FUD, such that real images that have been touched up by Photoshop are going to routinely be dismissed as AI generated. So someone's inevitably going to come through with the "Joe Biden wasn't really at Event X" leading into "Joe Biden has been dead for 10 days and the White House won't admit it" conspiracies. And that's going to get very ugly relatively quickly.
Multiple hands and fingers are messed up in these pictures which gives them away. We'll really be screwed whenever AI gets the hang of fingers. Or if people generating them become smart enough to fix it afterwards.
I enjoyed the pic (further down the article) with 3 arms. I mean it's so obvious, and your brain says there's something wrong, yet people still believe the bs.
Douglas said he was mainly worried about the economy and immigration - issues which he felt Trump was more focused on. He said Democratic messaging about Trump's threat to democracy would not motivate him to vote, because he was already disillusioned with the electoral process.
And that's the biggest issue because no matter who Black, Brown or Indigenous people vote for, nothing ever changes for them.
Kimberly Jones said it best even tho she was referring to a different kind of disengagement.
God, people in this country are so fucking stupid (by design). I was going to say that people like him will find out just how big a mistake electing him would be, then I realized that no matter what happens, people like this will never accept responsibility for anything.
And that’s the biggest issue because no matter who Black, Brown or Indigenous people vote for, nothing ever changes for them.
Not entirely true. Under Barack Obama, black household wealth fell by 40%. It wasn't until Trump that they were approaching recovery, and that was in large part thanks to the enormous outflow of public money during the COVID crisis.
Money that, under Joe Biden, we ratcheted back.
Its so fucking crazy to see the Republican Party as the "Fuck it, everyone gets free money!" party and the Democrats as these miserly means-test-your-baby-formula bail-out-the-banks party.
Which do you think bothers black people more: That statement or Trump still claiming the Central Park Five are guilty?
How about Trump's recent speech to so-called Black Republicans (Kimmel showed the audience was a sea of white faces): "I can only see black." "Black is my favorite color." "I'm just rapping to you." Do you think that would make black people "love him" like he claims and how they wear his mugshot shirt because they are treated unfairly by the law just like him?
Do you think any of that would make most black people want to vote for Trump?
Because last time, Biden won despite having said that back in 2020. Probably, in part, because he apologized.
There's no evidence that suggests these photos were posted by Trump's campaign, and BBC didn't mention who posted them despite having talked to them.
I doubt it's just me, but when I read the headline, I assumed that Trump's campaign posted these photos. How else would it be news worthy? "Trump supporters post AI generated photos of Trump in an attempt to garnish support for Trump" is a normal Tuesday activity for these loons.
This "journalism" is just rage bait, in my opinion.
I doubt people will believe this based on how he has treated minorities in the past. Although this really makes me a bit paranoid over figuring out what is real or not anymore for future use of AI for malicious intent. I worry about the lines being blurred.
"If anybody's voting one way or another because of one photo they see on a Facebook page, that's a problem with that person, not with the post itself."
Are we calling AI still images “deepfakes” now, or is the press just appropriating a phrase to make AI stills more scary? AFAIK a deepfake is far more dangerous, realistic AI video of the subjects doing and/or saying something wholly out of character or worse. A still image is just…fake.
E: y’all downvoting got anything to say other than disagree?