Why would your best friend or someoneyou mutually considered a good friend suddenly ghost you?
Is there a way to figure out if they blocked youon Signal if you can still technically message them?
Edit: he seems to have blocked me or hasn't used Signal since a single emphatically non-controversial/non-hurtful comment so he either blocked me or hasn't opened Signal for >month. He's not responding to anything else either so he's either depressed or blocked+done with me.
Edit: I'll know when it comes birthday time. I'm not a Bridezilla about birthdays but it would be unusual for him to not wish me one. He's never not done so. I'll have my answer when that happens π (namaste) If he wants to be a dick about it and leave me in the dark totally those days are fortunatley numbered :/
No real advice to give her, but I thought I'd share this story.
About 6 or 7 years ago, one of my friends unfriended basically everyone we know on Facebook and stopped replying to text messages out of the blue. Some of us had been hanging out with him a few days before, and there was no sign that anything was off.
To this day we don't really know exactly what happened, but we have a pretty solid theory.
My friend was born in the Middle East, but moved here when he was pretty young. His father is from that country, his mother is a white American, and from what I understand is not Muslim. His father apparently got a lot of shit from his family for that.
His father was always very strict, he'd gotten into fights with him before, there was one occasion where his father had threatened to move the family back to his home country, my friend stood up to him about that because his younger siblings had really only ever lived here, and ended up getting thrown out of the house for a while. His father used threats like that and cutting him off from his siblings to keep him in line. There had been some other similar fights because his father didn't approve of girls he was dating and such.
Few if any of us had ever met his father, but I get the impression he probably wasn't a fan of us either.
A couple of us went to his home to make sure he was ok, he answered the door, we didn't really get any answers except that he had made the decision with some other people that he couldn't associate with us anymore.
We later found out that he had been dating a girl, probably not one his dad would have approved of, and had also ghosted her at the same time.
Pretty much everyone left on his Facebook at the time were people with Middle Eastern names.
So we're pretty sure what happened is that his father came down on him with some big ultimatum to cut ties with anyone he didn't approve of or else.
A couple of us saw him in the wild once, he wouldn't acknowledge any of them. I shoot him a text once in a while, I have no idea if he's seen any of them, but I've never gotten a direct reply. A couple years ago, another friend's father passed away, we all used to hang out at his home, so I reached out to someone I knew from high school who wasn't defriended, and asked if they could let him know, and they did, the only reply I got through that mutual friend was a quick thanks.
Sometimes there's some really heavy stuff going on under the surface, and you can't always count on getting a solid answer.
Try to give them the benefit of the doubt and give them space. Tell yourself things like they may have had a death in the family, or their phone got stolen/broken. Try your best to focus on other things and take on something new and interesting. Use exercise to adjust your brain chemistry if your feelings are overpowering your logic to give them space.
If nothing serious has happened, you learned a valuable lesson about them, and know to maintain more distance.
After a broken neck and back, and everything I've gone through in life, the most valuable lesson I can share is deceptively simple in thought but equally powerful in practice; only worry about the things you can change right now in this moment. Everything else is a waste of time and energy. Anxiety will get you nowhere. Relationships are brain chemistry too. They are addictions. They must be actively managed for your best health. If you are having trouble, go for a walk somewhere safe. The exercise will help get it off your mind.
A message that someone is in your thoughts with no ask can be a great thing to toss to a friend in this situation. Just make sure you aren't pushing for any kind of response.
Perhaps they ran out of social energy and decided they need time alone. It happens. I would reach out once or twice just to check and then give it a rest for a long while, to not stress them out. If it's depression, it can last a very, very long time.
For me it was that my friend just took one too many opportunities to twist a knife in my gut, and I realized he was only pretending to be my friend in order to hurt me.
This sucks, I know. I just responded to a friend's message from two months ago, and I've felt bad about not responding since then. But life happens, and for me at least it had nothing to do about that friends behaviour.
You know sometimes it has nothing to do with you. Some people's first instinct when things go wrong is to limit the number of people they deal with. Heck I will admit it, I broke up with a girl a long long time ago just because I didn't have the emotional bandwidth to have a girlfriend and deal with everything else.
If someone wants space from you let them have it. Don't creep don't force yourself on them and don't take it personally.
I'm just emotionally detaching from it. He felt that was necessary for him so I fee it necessary to limit my exposure to folks who do that kinda thing. I don't allow people to play tiddlywinks with my emotions and friendship like that so in my way, I'm grateful he finally confirmed his cowardice and flakiness (i know, unemotional, amirite? Work in progress ;)
I would say that there can be many reasons for a persons absence in you life. But in this absence we can also see our own fears.
I am literally slightly ignoring someone whose uncanny birthdy is today. A person from the comments said it. some people reduce their circle when it gets tough. For me, i find it hard to be person right now. Every single day is the make or break of my life. Massive debt, constant house of cards feeling.
I recieved a message, she said it's her birthday. I look at my personal calender, i reply, yes it is, what you want me to do about it.
I was rude. I know that someone really cares and it's her birthday even, why not just be nice?
Then again if someone is willin to force quit a friend just because they are absent is just having trust issues. And as someone who is still my best friend to this day once said. "you don't just throw this away."
Whenever I "ghost" someone, it's usually because the friendship isn't working for me, or it didn't turn out to be what I thought it was. I put "ghost" in quotes because I don't really block people, I'll just stop initiating and then put the onus on them to maintain the relationship for a bit until I feel better about it.
So far, none of them have really cared enough to pick up the slack, so blocking them wasn't really necessary. Good moves on my part I guess.
Thats not ghosting tho. Ghosting is when you basically shadowban someone from your recognition or communication and do nothing (or worse, blocking them without a way to touch base one last time) to establish why or how to make it up to them if you both consider it worth saving or at bare minimum to clarify what went wrong. Maybe not everyone shares my believe in the value of a friendship exit interview but if I give a shit about them I wouldn't want them to be blind to what screwed it for me.
Thats interesting. Definitely my approach on recognizing birthdays and anniversaries because I strongly believe if you 365 dates to recognize youmre basically gonna be doing that every day and I dont relish that burden
I don't wanna cause any undue paranoia but it might be worth looking back on anything that might have offended or hurt your friend that you might not have realized.
I once had a friend that was gaslighting me about his attempts to cozy up to my girlfriend / childhood friend and "accidentally" touching her inappropriately after I told him in no uncertain terms that I wasn't comfortable with it and didn't trust him. Eventually, in a drug induced grandiose rant, he admitted my suspicions were correct the whole time, and afterwards he refused to apologize because he didn't believe he did anything wrong. So I ghosted him.
I'm not saying it's likely you did anything that horrible to your friend without knowing, but I am saying my best friend firmly believed he had done nothing wrong and maybe it's worth considering or reconsidering the last month or two of events leading up to him ghosting you.
Sometime a friendship is built for a very specific time in your life and once that time passes you start to see flaws in your friend.
If you want to preserve this friendship the best thing you can do is recalibrate. Talk about hopes and dreams. Things you like and don't like. Reasons you would pick one thing over another.
It's always good to have friends but maybe if there is something you're missing. Maybe something you have comes easy to you and they are constantly jealous because it's much harder for them. The best types of friends are friends that can tell you anything. First, though, you have to be able to tell them anything.
They've suddenly landed in a really controlling environment (be it a partner, parents, or a government), and wish to hide your relationship/keep you out of the crosshairs.
It's likely in some cultural groups - and has been true for a friend or two of mine. A particular example was someone going to a Psych ward, where their phone was kept in a vault.
Obviously you know more context than me. But the probability is nonzero.
I once ghosted a friend of some fifteen years after a friend of nearly twenty years told me he had raped her a few years prior.
I'm not sure I believe it (there was alcohol involved and he's a super kind person, so my suspicion is that she regretted it and saw it as rape because they were both drunk), but I believe she believes it and she is my number one.
Not saying you raped anybody. Just giving an example of a reason.
Sometimes whatever it is is just out of your control anyway. Lost a great freind because a now exfriend of mine lied about me to get closer to her and date her. Intially just thought she was going through something. They, shockingly, ended up splitting but honestly I have zero interest in talking to her again if she's willing to believe that type of things about me. Still waiting for my chance to fuck with that guys life though. I'm a petty son of a removed if you give me the opportunity.
So I'm not trying to judge or talk shit, but I am curious. Why would you choose to live that way? At least in my experience, being petty or spiteful always makes me feel worse. You might be happier if you let it go, especially since you by your own admission you wouldn't be friends again anyway.
Because I have to choose between either having to see him or no longer being friends with basically the only friends I still have. So it's either I have to see his ass or I recluse. Spite is me coping with that, and it feels fine tbh. I don't think about him unless topics like this come up or I have to see him. It's not like it's running my life or anything, I'm just looking for my opportunity.
Ya, I'm sorta over it. The guy expressed constant like "anything you like I'll hate even if i only start after you indicate your liking" and he's honestly someone I wouldn't confide super personal or controversial things in cuz I felt the need to be a bit more polished.
I also expressed i considered him my best even that might not be reciprocated and he never denied or fought that characterization too hard. I just never dreamed he was actually as flaky and delicate as hes demonstrated here so honestly its whateves.
On the plus, he's balding anyway and I won't share the cure with him because he would just hate it and go out of his way to avoid it the moment I shared it since it came from me. I like when people act contrarily towards me to benefit of their own peril and write me off as someone who doesn't have wise or useful insights cuz I read and question
Honestly, dude, im leaving it be. Nothing actively done. This is my best friend I thougt I had, please try tk stop being a dick, how can you not get why I woulnd't be super distressed and invested in this
I literally have no choice in any case so please stop. I'm not asking for people to enable me, im just asking for understanding and...i dont effing no...good night everyone, i just dontknow anymore
There are a lot of reasons you might be seeing only one tick, but it does mean they're not getting your messages.
I've wondered the same thing about my friend too, but we just saw each other a few days ago for the first time in nearly ten years and everything was fine, just like it always was, even though I missed him terribly in the meantime.
It's hard staying in touch. If you have an email address for them, just reach out occasionally to let them know you're thinking of them. They'll be back in touch when they can. And if not, well, like you said it's not worth getting upset over anyway, and there's no shortage of things that are worth getting upset over to hold your attention!
I use signal a lot and sometimes people's phones will stop signal from running in the background. This can cause the behaviour you're seeing, as their phone wont receive the messages until they open the app manually