Reminder for pregnant women: Today is February 29th. Try REALLY HARD to keep your baby in your womb at least one more day.
Reminder for pregnant women: Today is February 29th. Try REALLY HARD to keep your baby in your womb at least one more day.
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Yeah but then the baby only she's once every 4 years so it'll be a super baby that lives for like 320 years
6 4 ReplyLemmyKnowsBest OP Yes in theory that sounds fantastic, but the truth is that leap babies age normally right alongside the rest of us but confusion surrounds them 3/4 of their lives' birthdays when they scramble to decide when to celebrate it, their birthdays becoming a never-ending joke they can never escape 😱
9 1 Replyfrickineh Also sometimes they might end up working for a total psycho.
4 0 Replyshootwhatsmyname
this sounds personal are you ok
5 3 ReplyBarqsHasBite Is it really that much of an issue?
2 0 ReplyLemmyKnowsBest OP Yes, it's a cataclysmic issue. /s
2 0 ReplyBetch
Damn, I thought sarcasm was the official language of Lemmy. All this time I was thinking /s meant /serious
1 0 ReplymetaStatic it doesn't?
2 0 ReplyBetch
Wait, does it? /s
1 0 ReplyNougat /s definitely means serious.
1 0 ReplymetaStatic I'm glad we cleared that up
1 0 Reply
paddirn Aren't they more likely to only live til they're about 20? They'd only have 1/4 the birthdays as anyone else.
5 0 Reply