Wouldn't hanging out in a walkin freezer/fridge or someplace cold freeze said water? That way the baby wouldn't be able to break through the ice and have to wait another day to be born.
Babies aren't usually allowed to be born on this day because if they do, they age far far slower than regular people or something because of leap years. Conspiracy time.
In that scenario, do you round up or down on the date? I'd probably round up, since the 29th of February falls on the date that the 1st of March usually does on most years, right?
I'd round down, so their birth month remains the same.
This is critically important for horology, as you cannot upset the balance of the astrological month. Such inconsistencies will inevitably lead to the deformation of your baby's brain causing them to look like those drooling wojaks.
/s because somebody probably actually believes that shit.
leap year babies are another strong case in point why we should measure our age in days rather than years. So a leap year baby who has had 8 birthdays (technically 32 years old) has been alive on planet Earth approximately 11,680 days. See? If we keep track of our age by days, there could be no more discriminating against leap year babies.
Yes in theory that sounds fantastic, but the truth is that leap babies age normally right alongside the rest of us but confusion surrounds them 3/4 of their lives' birthdays when they scramble to decide when to celebrate it, their birthdays becoming a never-ending joke they can never escape 😱