Jentu This isn’t nearly subtle enough to be funny. Just call a doner a gyro and call a gyro a doner.
74 0 ReplyPoplar?
When with Turks don't forget to refer to baklava as your favorite greek desert.
44 0 ReplyCaptainBasculin Or call their coffee Greek Coffee and vice versa.
5 0 Reply
lengau If you want to double that emotional damage for Greece, you could call them the Turkish Republic of South Macedonia
59 0 Replywhhavinfun Damn
5 0 Reply
And once they are staring daggers at you, be sure to follow up with calling them 'typical over-emotional southerners without self control'.
Perfect way to make new friends /s
26 0 Replywallmenis As a Greek, Fuck you.
21 0 ReplySiethron Just call them all Persians
21 0 ReplyHerbal Gamer
Greater Kurdistan
22 2 ReplySoylentBlake Greece will forever be South North Macedonia to me
19 0 ReplyRolivers Just say that baklava was invented by their neighbours.
15 0 ReplyHeyThisIsntTheYMCA
Why would you antagonize anyone who lives where there's such delicious food? That's how you don't get invited to the cookout.
11 1 Replythedirtyknapkin Could probably do similar with Pakistan and India
7 0 ReplyTreczoks Make enemies fast...
6 0 Replyngn
As a Turk, Fuck you.
4 0 Replycorymbia Oh and BTW it’s Constantinople.
3 0 Replystevedidwhat_infosec It’s so funny to be edgy, people really think you’re a cool person in highschool/college where you run around trying to “trigger” everyone because it’s le funny.
Shit never changes ig lol
6 12 ReplyViking_Hippie It is, however, completely level-headed behavior to get all worked up about what is clearly a Bad Advice Cat meme without the cat while assuming that it's an earnest suggestion.
11 2 Replystevedidwhat_infosec I love how you think a text post on this app is somehow getting sooo worked up lmao.
Being a dick to people isn’t funny and I’m not sorry for posting about my opinion move along bro
2 1 Reply