If a bill now racing through the Tennessee legislature becomes law, as it almost certainly will, it will become illegal to display a pride flag at a public school in a location where any student ...
That's what we get for giving the Confederates Military burials instead of an unmarked mass graves for their murderous treachery in the name of slavery.
“Johnson embarked on a policy designed to restore the former Confederate states to civil government with maximum speed and a minimum disturbance of Southern institutions beyond the abolition of slavery itself,” writes historian Michael Les Benedict. “His policy placed former rebels in political control of nearly every Southern state and left Southern blacks to the mercies of the men who had fought so desperately to keep them in bondage.”
Tennesseean here, this is absolutely the case. I wish there was more I could do to welcome marginalized people, but the best advice I have is to get out of here as soon as possible because things are going to get worse before they get better.
The union jack that you see flown (just a union jack) isn't even the flag of the confederacy, it's specifically the flag for the army and navy of the confederacy. You are identifying yourself as enemy combatants with that flag.
The real flag of the confederacy changed a couple times. The first iteration looks like a knock-off of the US flag with 3 stripes and 7 stars in a blue field in the upper left. The second iteration had the union jack in the upper left hand side (where the US blue field and stare are) and the rest was white. Eventually they realized that it looked like a flag of surrender, so 36 days before the end of the war, the confederacy added a vertical red stripe on the far right side of the flag.
If their "heritage" was so important, you'd think they'd at least get it right!
They never explicitly voted to keep confederate flags. That being said, one of the many types of flags that are allowed are those deemed “protected historical items” as defined by TN Code § 4-1-412 which does include items relating to “any war, battle, or military conflict in which citizens of the United States or any state or territory of the United States have participated in”.
Funny enough, this law would allow you to carry an Iranian, Soviet, or other flag that would piss people off.
I would recommend this article if you want to learn more.
Okay thank you for your information! I still wanna share a snarky quote from the article though even if it isn't technically true in the case
If there’s one time the Tennessee legislature feels strongly about protecting free speech rights, it’s when those rights involve a symbol promoting racism and treason against the United States.
Is there any way to get a pride flag to qualify? Large scale protests seem like they could be historic (although IDK what the actual criteria is) and it would be funny if a protest against a law made the flag protected by the law.
I bet you could hurt some feelings by flying the flag of the Seychelles.
(It's allowed cause the USA flew drone operations out of the Seychelles under the Obama administration.)
TN Code § 4-1-412 which does include items relating to “any war, battle, or military conflict in which citizens of the United States or any state or territory of the United States have participated in”.
Funny enough, this law would allow you to carry an Iranian, Soviet, or other flag that would piss people off.
I dunno about Soviet.
Despite spending much of the last century aiming a gun at each other's head, we really never did much by way of actual direct fighting.
A small number of American soldiers were sent into Russia during the Russian revolution to safeguard arms that had been shipped in and try to help get the Czechoslovak Legion out, and there was a very limited amount of conflict with Bolshevik forces, but it wasn't the Soviet Union then.
Frustrated by the quality and shortage of Chinese pilots, in November 1950, Stalin took the decision to involve Soviet air force pilots in the war, flying under the markings of the Chinese People's Liberation Army Air Force (PLAAF) or North Korean People's Army Air Force (KPAAF). Soviet air units dispatched to northeastern Manchuria to train Chinese pilots on the MiG-15 were first to see aerial combat against American aircraft on 1 November 1950.[16]
Soviet pilots were active in Korea from November 1950. In order to hide this direct Soviet intervention, precautions were taken to disguise their involvement, open knowledge of which would have been a major diplomatic embarrassment for the USSR.
Soviet pilots wore Chinese uniforms when flying, whilst rules were prescribed to stop Soviet pilots flying near the coast or front lines (where they might be captured if shot down) and from speaking Russian on the aircraft radio. All aircraft flown carried Chinese or North Korean markings.[17] When not flying, for reasons of ethnicity, on the ground Soviet pilots 'played' the roles of Soviet commercial travellers rather than Chinese or North Korean soldiers.
It also allows flags from “other countries and their local governments,” which, as long as they don’t need to presently exist, should cover it. If they do, just fly the flag of Cusco, Peru
The effect would be felt by both LGBTQIA+ clubs and GSA's in the schools, at a bare minimum. They would be unable to utilize the pride flag, for example, in any kind of advertisement, logo, banner, etc.
I don't think school is the place for ads either.. I'm not saying it should be banned from posters about events or such but having a confederate or pride flag in the classroom just for the sake of it feels really weird to me.
I went to grade school in Mississippi, (Air Force brat, 1970's) and here are some fun facts:
The day started with the class reciting the Pledge of Allegiance and then singing "Dixie."
Every classroom had a paddle hanging near the blackboard. The principle and many of the teachers also had a paddle handing off of their belt.
The "That's a Paddlin' " bit on the Simpsons was a 100% accurate representation of my first day in school
The Mississippi schools were about 6 months ahead of the Utah schools I came from and they made me do a lot of the homework assigned before I got there.
Ban the confederate flag and prosecute anyone who flies it as an enemy of the state. We keep patting these traitors on the butt then shocked Pikachu-ing when they double down instead of magically seeing the error of their ways. I'm fucking over it and over watching dems use them as an excuse to scurry further right for "moderates" that have never and will never vote dem to please their corporate owners.
The election is coming up in.... now... We've had 4, 6, 8, yrs depending on the goal. I don't think anything just is happening in the next 251 days. I'm very afraid. And the left wing protest vote to elect Trump is such an irrational concept that the fact they believe is reasonable to any extent, already killing future votes of bystanders today, that I don't put it past them to be irrational and hand him Michigan and others on a platter.
You can screech about leftists all you want, if they're so important maybe it's time democrats work with them instead of spitting in their face then blaming em when dems lose.
Not the lefts fault dems are a stones throw from Republicans, hell look at your narrative - Dems move us towards fascism all the same but oh dems are the only hope to save our nation and leftists are "less than" plebs who are voting wrong by voting for what they feel is right instead of your party cause you say to.
Just admit it, yall love harping about trump because it gives you the high ground against anyone left of Biden - yall hate leftists and see them as enemies WAYYYYYYY more than you ever did Republicans or MAGAts.
If they ban all symbols of hatred in the US, forgetting the First Amendment of course, then there are fewer vectors in which to wage a culture war and keep people from chopping off the billionaires heads.
Swastikas are illegal in Germany. Confederate flags and tributes to proponents of slavery should be banned here. Fuck your first amendment bullshit. Ask historians about the one carve out in free speech. You do not extend it to fascists and to anti-democracy.
I learned a bit about how Tennessee legislature works after the expulsion last year. It's frighteningly undemocratic, and it's scary to think that it's gotten even more undemocratic since then. Such a shame, I enjoyed my visit to Nashville a lot.
Same here on all accounts. We have been to Nashville a few times for concerts and we really don't like the fact that now we can't go back. We don't want to support the state. We still have cups we took home from the peg leg porker.