banichan 21 0 ReplySomething Burger 🍔
Man City > Man United
17 0 ReplyViking_Hippie Liverpool FC > either
8 0 Reply
"Because i'm Man!!!"
14 1 ReplyOnee Chan~🌸 Hello fellow Aslume escapee
11 0 ReplySon_of_dad And his sidekick Rob.
8 0 Replymariah I'm Man!
7 0 Replytuckerm
Man: Origins was good. But don't forget about Man: Legends and Man: Raving Rabbids.
7 0 Replyhlqxz Someone killed The Guy’s parents
6 0 ReplyAa! Why does Man fly in Knight when his car is right beneath him? Is he stupid?
6 0 ReplyInfiniWheel Oh no, the aslume is leaking into Lemmy
5 0 ReplyHollowNaught
Tf is this man asylum
I've only ever played man aslum
5 0 ReplyViking_Hippie Man Begins being set in a modern day metropolis was quite surprising, given the title..
5 0 ReplyDer_Fossler I miss my man... Is Rocksteady stupid for releasing an unfinished suicide squad GAAS game?
5 0 ReplyKichae Is Rocksteady stupid? Tough to say. They're not an independent studio, so it's possible they didn't get to call their shots on this one.
Really, the GaaS thing has the publisher's fingerprints all over it.
Unfortunately, it's not the publisher who will shed jobs over this. The decision makers never have to take the fall for their bad decisions.
8 0 Reply
Odigo2020 I'm gonna say it, he still looks Batman as fuck, even without the ears.
5 0 Replywallmenis Proud of you Dick
5 0 ReplyArbitraryValue Is this loss?
5 1 ReplyGork man -f git
4 0 ReplyViking_Hippie The man's a fucking git? 🤷
3 0 Reply
Abnorc The live action version is not worth it. Stick to the animated series, or better yet just read the man pages.
3 0 Replyedinbruh Man aslume
1 0 Reply