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Democrats call on DOJ to investigate tax sites for sharing financial information with Meta

TaxSlayer, H&R Block, and TaxAct embedded Meta’s pixel onto their tax filing sites.

Informatica (Italy e non Italy 😁)

I dem chiedono al DOJ di indagare sulla condivisione di informazioni finanziarie con Meta: TaxSlayer H&R Block e TaxAct hanno incorporato il pixel Meta nei loro siti per la dichiarazione dei redditi

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Calls to investigate tax sites for sharing financial information with Meta

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Democrats call on DOJ to investigate tax sites for sharing financial information with Meta

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  • Funny that this is what meta gets investigated for when their data collection allows for the unjust prosecution of women who have the audacity to make a choice.

  • this is why I love Firefox. I can create a throw away profile, file my taxes, then delete that profile. I do this for a lot of sites. Social media has a separate profile from shopping, ect...

    • Many many moons ago, I was traveling for business and I met a guy who worked for Meta. He worked in their online sales department for users. I thought to myself, "Why do you need that? Who would buy anything through Facebook?"

      A lot of people, apparently.

      • Sadly Marketplace is booming. It’s all but killed Craigslist in my area and that seems to be the norm.