Warp is a modern, Rust-based terminal with AI built in so you and your team can build great software, faster. Now available on MacOS.
Today i was doing the daily ritual of looking at distrowatch. Todays reveiw section was about a termal called warp, it has built in AI for recomendations and correction for commands (like zhs and nushell). You can also as a chatbot for help.
I think its a neat conscept however the security is what makes me a bit skittish. They say the dont collect data and you can check it aswell as opt out. But the idea of a terminal being read by an Ai makes me hesitant aswell as a account needed to use warp.
What do you guys think?
Warp lost me at the account requirement. You're telling me I need to sign in to a terminal? Seriously? Like with an internet connection? Nope. What if I'm opening my terminal to configure my network? Warp seems to be fixing a problem that doesn't exist. I don't think anyone has looked at a terminal emulator and gone "Yeah, this could use AI and a cloud account".
You can define a bunch of aliases in any shell environment for that. Or use a history manager (a database client essentially) that groups commands you've entered so far based on frequency, return value, working dir. when they were issued etc.
Totally agree. People using cli are probably more skilled and their knowledge has been fed into these ai models.
So we will all end up with some mediocre level of knowledge, because the next input for the LLM 's will be more of the some old stuff. Flattening the curve and less innovation and smart ideas.
These kind of "solutions" are for a non existing problem. Looking at the investors, this is only about making money.
And also, like... Data privacy... My terminal commands and command outputs contain sensitive data. Even company sensitive data. I don't want to be liable.
To help make skittish people feel at ease with the concept, why not give it a friendly on-screen avatar? Perhaps something like a cute little animated paperclip.
This is a proprietary and therefore untrustworthy terminal in a space where virtually all the competition is libre/open source.
It's connected to the cloud, therefore insecure and privacy-invasive as there is no reason for something as basic as a terminal to be connected to the cloud. Who wants their SSH keys leaked? Anyone?
They require an account but don't collect data? Sketchy to say the least, a unique account is the perfect tool to collect data and there is no reason a terminal, the most basic interface to the underlying OS should require an online account. It should be tied to the system. (After further reading, apparently they do collect data by default).
It has a built-in AI autocomplete, because apparently normal auto complete isn't good enough (just wait until it tells you to rm -rf /*).
Yeah, no matter how nice it is, I will never accept this terminal.
EDIT: They also forked Alacritty to create a "demo", they took advantage of a libre/open source project for their proprietary terminal and never did so much as thank the authors of Alacritty. That's scummy.
Thank you, I have tried Insomnia in the past but it doesn't work for my team as they refuse to implement pre-request scripts properly. I assume insomnium is the same.
The terminal seems like the very last place I’d want A.I. I’m usually using it specifically to be precise and don’t just run commands I don’t understand. If you forget some long command, just use history |grep whatever and see what it was. (And then turn it into an alias or function.)
Exactly. I generally like typing out my commands because I’m learning and it helps me remember what I’m doing and what the commands mean/how they work. And if it’s a particularly long one I’ll make an alias for it.
What the terminal needs is better discoverability. Maybe command recommendation if it isn't going to hallucinate flags and paths that don't exist. All this bullshit is just some company trying to capitalize on that desire.
What's my thoughts? My thoughts are FUCK relying on the internet for basic things. So no "AI terminal" for me. This is yet another way to mine data cloaked in futurism.
Sounds like a major security risk. All it takes is one "hallucination" (and an overly trusting engineer) from the latest and greatest bullshit generator to compromise an entire network
Yeah. Sometimes a "barrier to entry" on running commands serves as an important forced pause to help prevent people from charging headfirst into dangerous options they don't understand.
It's something I often have to consider at work. It's not too hard to script out ways to make it easier to do certain things, but is the trade off of making it easier to do accidentally or without understanding the full effects worse than the hassle of doing it the "hard way"?
Yes, let's get a list of all machines in this network segment, then loop through sending shutdown commands so everything is ready for the hardware move!
What do you mean that the switch itself is in the list of machines? And that I just shut it off prematurely, so now we need to shut down everything locally... shit.
Here's my opinion. This terminal app is inefficient as fuck. I feel like it's too much bloat for what a terminal should be. She'll Completions have existed since forever, I don't get what's bringing new with that. And all these AI's that just resell chatgpt are getting expensive. "Please pay me 10$ a month to have OpenAI in your " . If I were to activate all the AI subscriptions in all the apps I use it would go over 100$. If I need ChatGPT I will just go on their website and get it from there. It's even cheaper that way, 20$ for unlimited use.
And also sharing info with your team THROUGH THE TERMINAL? WHAT KINDA SHIT IS THAT. That should be documentation in THE REPOSITORY, IN THE PROJECT. You're just fragmenting information, and it's going to make it harder for you to keep it up to date and for people to find it.
And... I don't want to force on my team "hey you have to use this terminal otherwise you won't have the info". I feel like with this I would be encroaching on their personal space and way of using their computer.
I don't like generative AI in my tools. The little prompt that explains a command and arguments that can be passed as you type is nice, I will give it that, but AI should not be any part of it. Fuck right off with it.
So I took some time to look around and as far as my perspective as a non dev regular user. While this does seem like a useful tool that could be useful for someone who interacts with the command line on a infrequent basis, the drawbacks on it seem pretty big.
Everywhere on their website seems clear that they don't store your data, but I have trouble believing that? Why on earth they would need for you to create a account that you must log in to use the terminal if they don't have a need to monitor your data?
While they claim that they are intending to monetize this by charging enterprise users and letting small teams use it for free, they limit free requests to 20 per dday which seems less than useless.
Maybe this is just some confusion since I don't have any experience as an enterprise but it seems like it would be an unacceptable security risk having a program that it telling you that it sends telemetry back home that users are interacting with using sudo and elevated privileges. Especially when it is a closed box.
Ignoring all the reasons to be cautious and skeptical about AI in general I struggle to see the use case for this particular tool.
And now I am imagining some sophisticated hack that breaches their AI generator and starts slipping command arguments that might expose your system. Probably too much of an effort but still plausible.
I'm not the biggest fan of the forced account thing, but I do like a lot of Warp's features. The command suggestions especially make dealing with tools that have like 1000 switches so much easier (like docker for example). Other than that... It's easy to customize, fast and looks good.
Command suggestions can be provided by the shell too for what it’s worth. fish ships with autosuggestion and autocompletion. For zsh, you need a separate plugin (but it’s well worth it)
I use fish and have used it for a long time and it works very well with warp, actually. You get both it's autosuggestions and warp's autocomplete. 's nice
Its not that i hate the idea of having an AI in the terminal its just the idea of having a account to use it. I played around with it last night and tried diffrent ideas which it sometimes is useful. I did #what is my graphics card
"Lspci -k "VGA""
Ok that was helpful
Then i tried #what driver is my graphics card using?
"Lspci -k "VGA""
Which does not list your driver.
Its hit or miss.
There are lots of fish shell extensions, zsh stuff and loads of things that make suggestions, autocomplete, remember your shell history and remember frequently executed commands and visited directories. All of that works WAY better than the AI suff. (And sometimes also has nice pop-up menus.)
So compared to plain bash without autocomplete and Ctrl+R it may be useful. It is probably a step back for everyone else. Especially if they roughly know what they're doing.
But I didn't try this specific software. Maybe I would if it were free software and connected to a local LLM.
So compared to plain bash without autocomplete and Ctrl+R it may be useful. It is probably a step back for everyone else.
I think it could be much worse than even a plain shell with ^R, as the llm will be slower than the normal history search and probably has less context than the $HISTFILE.
I think so, too. I mean the traditional history search and command option suggestions are instant and come at no additional cost. I don't know how fast ChatGPT is, I only ever play around with local LLMs. And roughly exploring what Github Copilot is about, just made my laptop fans spin on max and started to drain the battery really fast. Would be the same for an 'AI' terminal. And when asking the LLMs for shell commands I got mixed results. It can do easy stuff. So I guess for someone who wonders how to find the IP address... It'll do the trick. But all the things I tried asking some chatbots that would have been really useful to me, failed. It hallucinated parameters or did something else. And I needed to google it anyways or open the man page.
I'm not sure, I currently don't see me using such tools. I like talking to chatbots and have them draft stuff and provide me with ideas. But I also like computers in the other way, that they are machines that just follow my orders and don't talk back. And when working in the terminal or coding, it seems to distract me if suggestions pop up and I need to read them and decide what to do, or occasionally laugh... For me it seems to work better if I think about something, have an idea in my head and type it down without discussing it with the machine... I mean not 100% of the time, sometimes a suggestion helps... But I think I rather have the chatbot in a separate window and only loosely tied into my workflow if at all. And I don't like proprietary and cloud-based products for something like this.
I don't know what AI could bring to the table in this case that you can't do without it already. Command completions or fixing typos works without using AI. If there was an actual benefit, I'd be open to try it out but only by using an open source LLM running locally. I'm definitely not creating an account and paying a monthly subscription while not even being able to use it offline.
Helping with complex Terminal commands/shell scripts is basically my #1 practical use-case for AI right now... especially if you use tools like JQ a lot. Saving keystrokes is a lifestyle, after all.
I am also a really big fan of Warp, and was even before they added the AI feature (the editor-style functionality is wonderful). For the record, the AI isn't always running in Warp, to use it you start a prompt with hash (#) and then ask for what you want and it presents options.
I really enjoy Warp. It’s sleek and modern, plus it saves me a lot of time with its advanced autofill features. It also gives me helpful suggestions for minor edits if I’m making small errors that keep a command from running.
I haven’t used the chatbot, but I have found the user experience of the program to be better than most other terminals I’ve used before.
The AI can have access to a terminal in a docker container on my raspberry pi. If I’m convinced it’s trustworthy it might move up to a docker container on my desktop.
I feel like every use case they showcase is useless if you remember the commands. And if you don't know a command, the classic googling until you find something that works usually does the trick.
I'm likely going to try out Wave Terminal with a self hosted LLM. I think it may well be quite useful, just don't want to upload my entire command history to OpenAI.
the non AI features of warp, such as the modern editing and easy function creation, are more interesting to me than the AI features. I wish there was an open source terminal that felt this modern.
I have used AI to generate commands many times, but not often enough that I need it built into my terminal. I prefer my default terminal experience be more minimal.
It might be helpful, I'm not going to rule out using it, but it's all going to happen on my machine and I'm not paying for it or logging in anywhere to use it AND it's going to talk cockney... "Oi oi, ya fuckin' muppet, you missed a semi-colon. Ya useless fuckin' nonce!"
Fish's autocomplete is enough for me. I do like having Copilot in my editor but I can't really think of a reason I'd need it in my terminal. Most of my time in the terminal is just installing things, git or moving things around and I have all those commands down as muscle memory.