Consider adding Ars Technica to your list. They aren't specifically focused on Apple news, but a couple of their journalists do routinely offer some fairly balanced reporting on Apple affairs. Plus, their Android expert is constantly comparing Android devices to Apple devices... and he very rarely gives Android a total win in any given comparison. I think it's quite amusing to read, actually.
I work in the Microsoft (Intune) space regarding Apple. The Mac Admins community has been a treasure trove of knowledge. You need an M365 account to join but it’s fantastic.
The three you mentioned are all ones I check as well, especially since they are all Apple focused. Just to add another one that covers not just Apple stuff, but sometimes during Apple’s live events/keynotes I like to follow along with Engadget’s live blog. Whoever writes it is pretty spot on with their quick analysis and updating what’s announced and it’s nice to follow along and read when I’m in a situation where I can’t have audio on.