84 0 ReplyBig yawn 🥱
2 0 ReplyThe squanker man is always tired 🥱
3 0 Reply
76 0 Reply!!
15 0 Reply
Here's my girls Charlotte and Emily, sisters from the same litter. Charlotte was all up in my grill because I was eating chicken and Emily was spawn camping while I was heating said chicken in the oven 😄
As a bonus, here's my mom's dog Walther who I have the privilege of dogsitting every week
73 0 ReplyEmily is such a gamer she's got a built in headset!
20 0 ReplyShe's a rogue at times for sure 😁
8 0 Reply
Walther is the BEST name for a dog.
9 0 Reply
73 1 ReplyWhere is the moist old sweaty cat ?
10 0 Reply13 0 ReplyThe shirt!
3 0 Reply
Three little posers.
69 0 ReplyIf ye wish to climb the stairs,
Then first endure our three glares.
For moving, we aren't in the mood,
Though we may change our tune for food.
And a warning should our bowls lay empty,
Misfortune falls swift and plenty.
So please, appease us kitties three,
Lest ye wake in a bed of pee.
26 0 ReplyOne of them always tells the truth, another always lies, and the last one bites your hand when petting their belly. Though that might be all of them.
11 0 ReplyI love that someone wrote a poem about our cats. Thank you.
I think they'll like it too - I fear they're growing tired of me singing "Who's a little black/stripey/silver cat with a fluffy little nosey-wose, who is a cat with a fluffity tail" to the tune of "Ride a White Swan" by T-Rex.
7 0 Reply
So so cute!
8 0 ReplyThat bengal in the middle knows (s)he's the cutest one
7 0 ReplyThey're all boys (and twin brothers) and they're all equally adorable, although maybe that one's a little more equal than the others :)
6 0 Reply
Hypurrtia, the greatest cat we've ever known <3
64 0 ReplyWhat a name! What a blep.
8 0 Reply
It's a (very fluffy) trap
63 0 ReplyCute cat obvs, but I also like your carpet.
7 0 ReplyAn invitation to get bitten all to hell haha.
6 0 Reply
62 0 ReplyCuddle puddle!
12 0 ReplyThe hugs!
5 0 Reply
55 0 ReplyThe smile!
5 0 Reply
Here's Taako the scruffle boi
55 0 ReplyOmg, did you name him after TAZ?
5 0 ReplyThe bum in the air!
5 0 Reply
I like the couch's floral pattern
4 0 Reply
Our rescue.
53 0 ReplyThe sweater!
10 0 Reply
and Tilly!
52 0 ReplyAngels .
6 0 ReplyNot Tilly. She's a little jerk when she wants to be. Won't leave her big sis alone. 😆
8 0 Reply
My babies!
50 0 ReplyA sphynx! Marvelous.
7 0 Reply
A long-dead cat for your pleasure. She arrived on my doorstep a starving kitten; after extensive travel in New Zealand she went to live in Canada, where she apparently lived to a ripe old age.
46 0 ReplyWhat a sweetie.
6 0 ReplyShe was quite a character.
6 0 Reply
45 0 Reply45 0 ReplyDanger tummy.
5 0 Reply
It's Eevee!
With most of Twix behind her lol
45 0 ReplyWhat kind of dog ? Love her
5 0 ReplyShe's part staffie part beagle part pug part American Eskimo dog part pit all 35 lbs of love 😄
Someone who got her litter mate did one of those genetic tests and that was the top 5 lol just a mutt
5 0 Reply
44 0 ReplyThe tennis ball!
6 0 Reply
I have to put up with this every day
46 2 ReplyPoor you!! 😆
7 0 ReplyIn my defence, he's got breath like a bin bag
10 1 Reply
10/10 would let him sleep on my pillow every night.
6 0 ReplyCan confirm the wee prick sleeps wherever he wants
7 1 Reply
I downloaded this pic of your supremely photogenic doggo.
6 0 Reply
My conure kiwi
Mind the child hands, I took these pictures years ago
44 0 ReplyLove love love
5 0 Reply
43 0 ReplyLove!
6 0 Reply
Bed stealer doing yoga
44 2 ReplySo sweet
6 0 Reply
41 0 ReplyFLOOF
9 0 Reply26 0 Reply
42 1 ReplyI love the look on that poor dog's face - "Such a big bed, and I'm only allowed this little corner? Do something!"
14 0 ReplyCat owns that bed, dog is lucky enough to share.
9 0 Reply
40 0 ReplyI'm team orange.
8 0 ReplyFLOOF
5 0 ReplyHe's also very much on team orange.
4 0 Reply
Did human say snackos?!
40 0 ReplyI call that a flicky ear.
7 0 ReplyThat's cute and I'm definitely stealing it!
7 0 Reply
Such excitement.
5 0 Reply
I rescued this feral about a year ago
39 0 ReplyHere is a sweeter picture of the same cat. I like the crazy eyes in the first picture.
22 0 ReplyShe looks appreciative!
8 0 ReplyAhaha it looks like you're the one who must be rescued from this daemon :D
4 0 Reply
40 1 Reply38 0 Reply38 1 ReplyThe paw.
4 0 Reply
37 0 ReplyAs a fellow black and tan owner I highly approve.
5 0 ReplyThank you) he is a very smart one, understands everything and extremely strong too, he sometimes pulls weight few times his own
6 0 Reply
35 0 ReplyThe eyes!
5 0 ReplyThose are the "I cAn HaZ pLZ!!!..."-eyes
5 0 Reply
4 0 ReplySome sort of cross, with a dash of Chinese crested... He is a strange one... Never a dull moment!
4 0 Reply
Here's Roto-Borola, who has somehow fallen asleep while sitting up like a person.
35 0 ReplyHello am person, give me foods.
7 0 Reply
34 0 ReplyIn a! onesie
5 0 Reply
33 0 ReplyTo hell with Substack, let's have Frogstack.
11 0 ReplyStack Overfrog
12 0 Reply
The girls, Luna and Moose
33 0 ReplyDog loaf
6 0 Reply
32 0 Replythose aren't mine but my friends'
30 0 ReplyThey have a raccoon???
11 0 ReplyA lot of people have raccoons. Mostly not on purpose.
10 0 Replymy cousin has a few since they own a wild life park
6 0 Reply
Dr. Cat, PhD/MD and The Matriarch
29 0 ReplySorry for being nosy, but that string of pearls(?) in the background is looking great! I hope I can grow my strings of things to be even half that long one day!
8 0 ReplyAww thank you! It's been raining so it's happy. It's an old plant. I think about five.
4 0 Reply
I feel like if Dr. Girlfriend had a cat, she would name it Dr. Cat.
7 0 Reply
29 0 ReplyBusiness cat, making deals.
7 0 Reply
28 0 ReplyWhy would you watch TV when you can watch us?
9 0 Reply
28 0 ReplyI need this goat
5 0 ReplyHe's an American Pygmy (I think), a goat that stays about the size you see in this picture, they make really good pets even if you have a small yard. You can even (mostly) potty train them!
I tried uploading some more and it's being an asshole so idk maybe I'll make a community fornpostig cute animal pics or something
9 0 Reply
23 0 ReplyI LOVE how it looks delighted to be photographed.
4 0 ReplyBeautiful bird!
2 0 ReplyDidn't know they could look like that. Neat!
2 0 Reply
23 0 ReplyPuppy dog eyes.
2 0 Reply
Our precious boy. Shadow. Enjoy.
23 0 ReplyI love Shadow! Cats always look so satisfied.
2 0 Reply
23 0 ReplyRise and shine pupper.
5 0 Reply
The crew
22 0 ReplyThey look like they're waiting for your command.
5 0 ReplyLooks are deceiving lol. This was a rare tender moment.
3 0 Reply
22 0 ReplyThe red really suits him or her.
3 0 Reply
21 0 ReplyBossy.
3 0 ReplySome would say bloppy!
2 0 Reply
21 0 ReplyBlack and tan owners unite!
3 0 Reply
Zoot is not impressed
20 0 ReplyZoot is displeased!
3 0 Reply
19 0 ReplyFor a minute I thought your last pet was a fossil lol.
10 0 ReplyThe pupper looks like Negro Matapacos
2 0 ReplyNegro Matapacos
I looked him up and he was a good boy. She is honoured. :)
1 0 Reply
He’s practicing being evil
18 0 ReplyA Siamese! Love those cats.
3 0 Reply
My late cat, Zo. I miss her so much ♥
17 0 ReplyBeautiful Zo!
3 0 Reply
My cat. (Image compressed to 50kb to save bandwith)
17 0 ReplySiamese or?
1 0 Reply
Kaylee cat, from age 0 to 17.
16 0 ReplyBaby sitting my mom's dog and that's my cat! He wants that spot.
15 0 ReplyHe deserves it
2 0 Reply
Meet Rigby and Toki :D
14 0 ReplyTONGUE. EARS.
4 0 Reply
13 0 ReplyThe sweetest
2 0 Reply
Her name is Nibbler, we've had her for 16 years now from a bulletin board free cat ad and lately have been reminded it's not forever... but she's still in charge of the house
13 0 ReplyMustache!
5 0 Reply
This is Chappie, he is a norrbottenspets who thinks he is meerkat.
13 0 ReplyMy dog does the standing thing too!
3 0 Reply
This is Daisy - the goodest of all good dogs. If you lined up all the dogs in the world from goodest to less gooder, she would be at the top of the queue.
12 0 ReplyI have no trouble believing this.
4 0 Reply
Okay, if I must share photos of my pets, you've forced my hand!
Here are Charlie and Ghost. It looks like they are friends. They are not because Ghost doesn't have any friends and likes it that way.
Charlie likes Ghost though.
9 0 ReplyWhy doesn't Ghost want friends? That's funny.
2 0 ReplyBecause she gets a great deal of pleasure out of hating things.
4 0 Reply
Here's my gangly dork:
9 0 ReplyEars!
4 0 Reply
The calico is my recently passed Skittles
The cow cat is an
assholeadorable handful, Oreo8 0 ReplyI had an Oreo growing up too! Great name.
1 0 Reply
7 0 ReplyKeyra >> your dog
6 0 ReplyIt's true. She's wonderful.
2 0 Reply
ITT 200 cats, 100 dogs,1 bird and 0 turtles.
6 0 ReplyThree frogs!
6 0 Reply2 birds. And a goat
1 0 Reply
here's a nice low res image of him
6 0 ReplySpooky but cute.
3 0 Reply
6 0 Reply6 1 ReplyMy sweet Lana, who's currently thousands of miles away, with my fiance.
4 0 ReplyShe knows you're watching her sleep.
2 0 Reply
I would but I can't upload images right now so yoy can see them on !petrats@lemmy.world (and some other's pets)
4 0 ReplyWorth the visit 10/10.
2 0 Reply
2 0 Reply