Ashyr This isn't a joke! I thought it was an onion article, but it's real!
91 0 ReplyBrad Boimler
Article said alcohol might have been involved I deduced that before the even said it in the article was obvious when the said the where Russian 😂
33 0 ReplyColeSloth I'd read about it several years ago, but never got to hear about an outcome.
3 0 Reply
Confused_Emus Fair enough.
66 0 Replylowleveldata For real tho, this should be legally allowed
50 2 ReplySippy Cup Let's be reasonable here. I get it it sucks but the punishment should fit the crime.
We should give them a terminal dose of radiation and then tell them how they're going to die.
42 0 Replydamnthefilibuster No, Mr Bond, I expect you to die.
5 0 Reply
42 0 Replytherealjcdenton
Justified defense maneuver
28 1 Replyjcmurty
seems fair
26 0 ReplyLemmyKnowsBest that headline was only funny after I realized what sub we're in
25 1 Replymoosetwin
I thought this was a submarine pun at first, took me a while to figure it out
9 0 ReplyLemmyKnowsBest Oh wow, you must be reading these comments with 3D glasses on.
4 0 Reply
damnthefilibuster Guess he didn’t see that ending coming.
22 0 Replyreagansrottencorpse "Although he faces criminal charges in the Russian city, Savitsky will probably have access to plenty of books that Beloguzov hasn’t already read."
16 0 Replyedgemaster72
Thought it said anarchic scientist at first, but obviously that's the jerk that got stabbed for spoiling books
5 0 Replyedric Still a better plot than True Detective Night Country.
Is it that bad ?
3 0 Reply2xar Meh.
1 0 Reply
Smc87 Fyrfg
2 0 ReplyThatWeirdGuy1001
I even looked this up and have no idea what it means
6 0 ReplywhyNotSquirrel
FYRFG fair ynough right fucking gustify
Me too
3 0 Reply