I just remember playing megaman 1 on NES over and over mostly to listen to the music after you beat the first bosses, i loved the music of that game so much!
The end of Twilight Princess is permanently embedded into my mind. Just the silence of Ganondorf standing with the sword plunged through his chest is incredible and a little haunting at the end of that game.
That, and when my dad showed me DOOM. That was a good day.
A tie between spending hours and hours sitting in front of one of those big wooden late 80s TVs playing Super Mario Bros 3, and realizing I had a crush on the neighbor girl while we played (mid 90s) Street Fighter
As a teenager, my cousin & one of my best friends watched me do a complete playthrough of Golgo 13 for the NES, but with a catch:
At the start of every dialogue scene, I had to find a brand new, unused reason to make Duke Togo / Golgo turn around. Halfway in, I was shouting things like “FREE ICE CREAM BEHIND YOU”.
No matter what the reason was, the response I voiced for Golgo/Duke was always (in a voice like Hugo the Abominable Snowman): “Oh, it’s just a man. You fooled me again.”