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More 5s SrElsewhere

The (Chang) Tower of Liberty welcomes all refugees, sexypats, immigrants, and political asylum seekers.

Give me your retired, your pour, Your huddled lasses yearning to fleece thee, The wretched toasties from the gleeming store, Send these, the buffaloes, and Chang soaked to me, I lift my Tower beside the ATM door!

  • This 5s forum was established as an alternative venue for those less tolerant of the cheap sort of trouncing recently doled out by the owners of the domain (or their henchmen) holding the original sandbox.

    While the owners of that domain can do as they wish, their off-putting behavior leaves a bad taste (think Leo) in the mouths of some. They fail to recognize that, rather than the domain itself, it's the people participating that make it great. Or maybe they assume people will to stay in spite of their inhospitable overreach.

    This is not to steal the glory of our exhalted leader, nor to usurp the alarming power of the mods in the old sandbox. This is neither coup nor attempt to write a new constitution. The objective is to provde an immediate landing place for those fleeing the stench of the former domain after it joined the flying club last week.

    It is hoped that our dear leader and all the avaricious mods will take the helm of this smoking bus ASAP, as this writer needs to go out for more yaba. Super deep, double dipping wah. [burrrp]

    This comment will be edited from time to time, as lucidity strikes, to correct typos and a drunken lack of clarity, or in attempts to figure out how this place works.

    Kind, stumbling regards, Señor Elsewhere