Except for the fact that the Bri'ish started it. Europe responsibility should never be underestimated, no wonder the EU is now so supportive of genocidal wars.
Independent America was way worse to the natives than the English colonies. Most natives sided with the English, and with the 1763 proclamation settlement was forbidden to the west.
As someone else said- the British weren't half as bad as the AmeriKKKans back then. The Brits and other Europeans started it, but the US perfected the formula by adding genocidal ethnic cleansing (which the Brits and others would go on to copy elsewhere, like Canada and Australia).
it's kinda weird that people that were genocide victims for ethnic and economic reasons would do another genocide against people with nothing to do with their original killers for ethnic and economic reasons even when they know how horrible is a genocide by ethnic and economic reasons...
Biggest genocide by what metrics? Certainly not by percent, the genocides in the Caribbean take the grim prize there, and even the highest estimates of pre 1492 population of us and canada combined are lower than the number of soviet civilians alone that the nazis killed and not all of those people died and most of those who died did so from disease before the genocide even begun so it cant be by raw numbers. so im curious by what metric u evaluate it to be the biggest genocide? maybe by land area held while doing the genocide? but im pretty sure even then the tsar's russia would win.
There were around 130 million indigenous Americans at the time of arrival according to the most recent estimates I’ve seen. It wasn’t only the Americans who committed genocide certainly, but in terms of scale, the genocide of the indigenous was definitively the most expansive in known history.
yes 130 million in the americas not in what is now the usa the most populated areas where in central america and the Andes. even high estimates for what is now the usa and canada are at around 8 million the highest dont go above 13 million which is around the number of soviet civilians the nazis killed and much lower that the total number of civilians the nazis killed. and going even further most of those people died from diseases. by the time the usa became a country there were only 700k indegenous people in what is now the the contiguous us i think its fair to say the usa is responsible for the genocides that happened even before that but point is in terms of raw numbers there is no comparison.
u say in terms of scale it was the most expansive but what scales are those.
Nazis did not just commit a genocide they deported millions, told them to shower (gas chambers) and then burned them in furnaces. They sometimes used the skin of the Jews and made lampshades out of it (preferably with tattoes), as "party presents". Or Shrunken heads.
I know what is happening in Gaza but be very cautious about comparing that to Nazis
If there is something similar happening in Gaza, tell me that.