love how that guy who climbed the fence and got shot by his own guys on the walk back wasn't considered a terrorist by the media despite 1) being a lone wolf and 2) not operating as part of an authorised military action. I suppose that latter point is because all Israeli's take part in an authorised military action as an occupying force every second of every day.
the maoist uprising against the landlords was the largest and most comprehensive proletarian revolution in history, and led to almost totally-equal redistribution of land among the peasantry
We appreciate the position expressed by the People's Republic of China, during the public hearings held by the International Court of Justice, on the legal consequences of the occupation policies in the Palestinian Territory, and its affirmation of the legality of the occupied peoples' pursuit of self-determination, by various means, including armed resistance, and the necessity not to confuse terrorism with And the armed struggle practiced by the Palestinian people against the Zionist occupation.
We also value the positions of the countries participating in the sessions, which confirmed the widespread violations of international law practiced by the terrorist occupation entity against the Palestinian people and their occupied land, including massacres and genocide in the Gaza Strip, violations, killing, and expansion of settlement in the West Bank and Jerusalem, and work to bring about demographic changes in the Palestinian land. It aims to Judaize her and tamper with her identity.
The terrorist occupation government’s boycott of the court sessions confirms once again its disregard for international institutions, and its policy of turning its back on international resolutions and commitments, which requires a clear position from the international community to end the rogue Zionist occupation, and to stop all its violations and crimes against our Palestinian people.
I love that the generic lib response to this is to engage in Whataboutism regarding Tibet, Xinjiang, and Taiwan. If you see someone doing this, remember to ask them how many countries recognize Palestine as a state versus any of those other places.
Really weird that libs continue to hang into any sentiment regarding Tibet when the Dalai Lama literally just tried to get a child to suck on his tongue in public just last year.
Also its beyond meaningless when you consider that at most idk 3% of the population of Xinjiang and 1% in Tibet is considering themselves to be occupied by China and are remotely likely to participate or aid in an armed struggle against the CPC, even at the best possible conditions
Like sure, Tibetians have a right to engage in an armed anti-colonial struggle or kickstart an indeginous liberation movement ok. You probably couldnt even fill an NBA stadium with those willing so what does that leave their lib free Tibet dreams. The CIA was trying to recruit and instigate an anti-chinese sessesionist movement last century and they gave up because they couldnt find enough willing Tibetians to get the project off the ground. And they had a budget of dozens and dozens of millions to pay off poor ass Tibetians and they still couldnt find any fertile sessesionist sentiment. And thats on record
I thought China was on team Israel. Or maybe I'm confused because they're helping Russia, and Russia is on team Israel? International politics is weird sometimes.
For decades China's policy has been team territorial integrity (ie borders were set in 1948, and people shouldn't talk about them). Previously this meant supporting the 1967 borders. Their current position is still consistent with this (Israel still occupies the west bank), and has the added bonus of improving relations in the region which China has already invested a good deal in (see belt and road initiative)
Honestly this is one of the more straightforward cases of geopolitics, shit like the Nigerian Civil war however...