Microsoft isn't going to revive anything. I don't understand how people fill think that Microsoft will improve things when they have such a poor track record for their current studios.
They brought back battletoads so never say never. They definitely need to unfuck whatever is going on in their studios management wise though. Too many duds and games stick in development hell
Hehe, 9 year old me teaching myself Turbo Pascal from library books in an effort to learn how to make my own computer games. I was shamelessly ripping off Battletoads with my own game called "Body Building Frogs"
@giddy I’d love to play Warcraft 4 or Starcraft 3 but I don’t think Blizzard still has the ability to make a good RTS. It seems like most of the people who worked on these games have left.
@TurianHammer The Lost Vikings and Rock'n Roll Racing, from a time before Blizzard was named Blizzard. Only dinosaurs will know what I mean. Other ideas Star Control, Hexen, ... and, is Zork still under Activision license? A new vision of such a complex free form text based game with AI could be fun, but also frustrating probably.
Star Control has a complicated IP situation and was never owned by Activision, anyway. You need to look to Stardock for future Star Control games. Do you mean StarCraft instead?
@trynn No, I really meant Star Control. I have no idea how the licensing and IP situation is at the moment. Just brought it up, as I would like to see it coming back, without any idea how realistic it is.
How about Earthworm Jim or Blast Chamber? OR bring back True Crime as a new GTA competitor in Unreal Engine 5. I didn't realize Sierra was connected to Activision. Police Quest 2 was one of THE games of my childhood. I can't even fathom how they would bring back Police Quest and not have it suck for a million reasons, but that'd be a dream. Or a proper new SWAT, finally.
@TurianHammer The IP that i want Microsoft to revive is: True Crime,TimeShift,Soldier of fortune,Singularity,Prototype,Interstate Series,Hexen,Gun,Geometry Wars
A modern take on Interstate 76 I'd like to see, but not as a AAA big budget effort. I'd like to see some stylistic effort on keeping a similar style of visuals. Oh and a sweet funky soundtrack.
Soldier of Fortune! It's still surprisingly hard to find limb-targeting in shooters. RDR2 is the best example I've personally tried--are there others? That was so satisfying.
Was just thinking about this game the other day. It was super fun and had a more interesting / entertaining vibe than other vehicle combat games (Twisted Metal, not sure what else)
I was all over that and Carmageddon, which also doesn’t have a very good modern equivalent.
I'd love if they could spark a revival of sports games, like the ones in the days of Activision O2 and EA Sports BIG.
Times have changed and the wackiness of the 90s, the edginess of the early 00's are long gone now, but I'm also incredibly tired of the clean, hypercorrect, "everyone can do it!" chill vibe, and braindead PG10 humor of the AAA sports titles from the past 15 years... but knowing Microsoft, that's exactly what they'd go after.
Well since you are talking about Sierra, I would love to see a revival of Swat. Perfect time for Swat 5 and I know ready or not basically is swat 5 but having a AAA studio backing may be fun. Then again with how monetization is in AAA games, this may just be a cursed wish.
I would love the heretic and hexen games remastered, even heretic 2 since it's melee combat was the predecessor to the melee combat in Jedi outcast and Jedi academy.
Twisted Metal is getting the Halo treatment with a "we pulled the sets and costumes out of a cancelled CW show", so now would be the time to reboot the underdog battle car arena game.