How do you enjoy listening to digital content? Speakers? Headphones? Earbuds?
What I means is do you use your phone speakers, laptop speakers, some other type of speakers, headphones, or earbuds?
I used to use headphones to listen to the audio from my youtube videos but I recently just broke the headphones, so thats why I'm got curious and want to ask. Feels odd to listen on phone speakers after using headphone for a while.
Second this. I bought some after watching Dankpods rate them as a cheap way to get into IEMs. I liked them so much that I bought the Bluetooth dongle attachments (AZ15) which were more expensive than the monitors themselves(!) to turn them into wireless earbuds and they're great. The IEMs themselves provide a lot of natural sound isolation and aren't overly bassy so you can enjoy all of the music while being able to hear the lyrics/lighter instruments.
The only thing I don't like is that they look fairly ridiculous to wear out and about. I have a conventional pair of Redmi Bud 3 for going places which are a lot more discreet, but don't sound half as good!
Always over ear headphones I don't get on with earbuds etc they hurt my ears and I think music is something that shouldn't be imposed on others so headphones it is
Bluetooth earbuds has been a bliss in home or when I’m out. You can leave your phone in one room and continue doing chores in another. When out, it’s no-brainer to use earbuds or headphones especially in public places. You don’t want to be the guy blasting music through speakers in public.
I always listen to music on my Sony wh1000xm4 headphones. Added a bit of an eq tweak to them so they're less "boring". Imo they're fantastic, though I haven't tried anything non Bluetooth in the higher end spectrum of headphones.
I've got a pair of nice old Japanese wooden bookshelfs hooked up to a NAD amp that plays both my records and my TV/PS. That does the heavy lifting, for my office I have some good but generic over ears that get the job done. And then I have a pair of planar earbuds 'LetShoer S12':which are awesome bit I don't use often because they're quite sharp for long sessions but sound fantastic.
I like headphones but if the music isn't taking advantage of the left/right channels, it doesn't matter if I listen on my big ass stereo. My only issue with headphones is after a while, my ears start to ache (the outside part I mean) and/or get uncomfortably hot. Even with my large monitors that go completely around and don't actually touch my ears, I start to feel like they're being squeezed.
Jabra Elite 85t wireless earbuds when I'm out and about, noise cancelling Sony WH-1000XM5 headphones when I'm in the office/library/when my partner is WFH taking meetings, wired AKG K52 studio monitor headphones if I don't want to disturb my partner when listening to vinyl or other high fidelity music- otherwise it goes through my Wharfedale Diamond 9.1 speakers. If I'm watching youtube or a film in bed on my laptop I'll just use the laptop's speakers
Headphones. I do have speakers but they're mostly for my record player, although I have them hooked up to my pc as well. Earphones, not so much. Not comfortable for me.
Earbuds (Galaxy Buds, specifically) when I'm out and about.
At home, I have a pair of wireless headphones (Bose) that lives next to my desktop rig.
I also have some remarkably good Amazon Basics speakers (from 2014! The only thing that survives from my first machine!) that I use every now and then.
Earphones, all of the headphones I've worn are too uncomfortable to me, and I like the portability. Speakers are nice, but I don't like being a nuisance in people's ears.
On my phone I like headphones for music, but I prefer the speakers for stuff like videos. I don't like my head/ears being constricted all the time, but sometimes when I want the best audio experience I'm okay with it. On good speakers like in my car or my soundbar I occasionally enjoy listening to music without headphones though. Though sometimes I like using headphones for videos too if I'm like cleaning and don't wanna carry my phone around the house while listening to a video. Or if there's a more nuanced audio factor that I wanna be able to hear better.
I need over ear headphones. Can't stand earbuds and on ear headphones hurt my ears and make me feel like I can't hear as well.
Unless I purposefully want to hear sound, my devices are muted 100% of the time. If I am listening to something, I wear earbuds with over-ear hooks, so that one of them can sit partially out of my ear, so that my hearing is not completely isolated from the world.
I don't want everyone in the room to know what I'm listening to. But if I need to sing because THIS SONG HITS then I get it off the headphones and to speakers or just my phone audio output.
Used to be earbuds, but I've become allergic to the rubber on the buds. So I can't use them as much anymore. I've switched to speakers for things I don't care about the audio quality, and those bulky headphones for stuff I do care about. I don't use speakers in public and I can hardly be bothered to carry those massive headphones when I go out though. Hate them. Earbuds sound so much better.
Too many headphones lol. Usually my Hifiman Sundara or Modhouse Argon Mk3. I got a Bluetooth amp (xduoo XD-05 plus) to drive them so I can at least stay semi-portable.
I have a pair of Phillips Fidelio X2HR for my PC where I listen to most things; an unexpected brand compared to the likes of Sony or Sennheiser. I'm considering an upgrade to a close-backed pair of headphones since I don't live alone and my PC space is nearby to the kitchen, so I would like to block sound out.
In the gym out back I use a Google Mini. Living where I am now I haven't needed earbuds for public transport so I don't have any. I will eventually buy a pair for when I go camping and want to watch something on my phone.
@001100010010 I live in bone conducting headphones most of the day, but when I'm at home, it's either my crappy TV speakers or dedicated over the ear headphones
The basic Bose AE headphones are still the most comfortable I've ever owned. They eventually fell apart and they were always a bit too quiet (needed an external amp ideally), but I was almost more comfortable with them on than with them off.
Galaxy Buds Pro on my commute, Plantronics Voyager 8200 when I'm at my desk (or travelling on the plane).
For TV/games I've got a 5.1 sound system, but I will often just chill on my bed watching things from my laptop or playing on my Steam Deck with the built-in speakers.
Not really, but are you using your computer's Bluetooth or the provided dongle, and do you have any apps keeping your mic open? If you use standard Bluetooth on Windows it sometimes gets stuck in duplex mode (the mode for conversations rather than consuming content), and music sounds awful.
They're good enough for music, but they're more optimised for online meetings. You're not going to get a hi-fi experience from them.
Bluetooth speakers for music in the kitchen, attached sound system for steaming TV, over-ear noise cancelling bluetooth headphones for desk work, over-ear bluetooth ear protection headphones for shop/yard work, earbuds for shopping/etc (fuck store muzak).
All of the above. Depends. Speakers for when I want to share with others, or no one else will be disturbed. Noise canceling headphones when I want to isolate myself from the surroundings. Ear buds when I want to be portable.