However, due to the high immunity rate in the community, as well as the burden on families and educational costs of healthy children missing school, [the health department] is deferring to parents or guardians to make decisions about school attendance."
This is fucking bonkers.
We know it's hard on you, so fuck preventing a breakout of the most contagious disease we've encountered, that not only is bad on its own, but resets your immunity fucking you over even more for years to come.
Everything. The adaptations your body has learned to fight other diseases are stored as T-cells. When you need more of that particular kind of thing, your body goes and runs off copies. Measles kills your T-cells, so your body can't copy the old adaptations, only make blank-slate factory-new ones.
Jesus. My grandmother had polo as a child and was wheelchair bound for life because of it. And it's coming back. All because some idoits think they know better than decades of science.
My mom lost a brother to measles in the 50s. She is hard core pro-vacination, and will to this day proudly show off the scar from getting one of the first polio vaccines.
I'm a bit younger than you but I remember measles was something recent when I was a kid, but it also wasn't something that any of my contemporaries caught. This is what happens when you spend 40 years telling everyone that their opinion matters; your opinion doesn't mean shit when it goes against verifiable scientific research.
I'm 37 and was born immunocompromised so didn't get any vaccines when I was younger. I went on to get measles and mumps. Measles almost killed me. Honestly, fuck antivaxxers, they can all go get fucked.
I'm around your age and didn't have measles but did have mumps (the other M in the MMR shot) and everyone I knew had chicken pox. I don't know how the immunizations worked back then (what the schedule was) we did get the shots. Had mumps as a preschooler, chicken pox around 7. Uncomplicated both times, my brothers were younger when the chicken pox came through and had it worse.
This state is being ran by trash people, same as the rest of the red states.
Edit: All of you getting excited to see Florida get destroyed can fuck right off, normal people who don't vote for conservatives live here too, grow tf up and stop treating these things like it's team sports. The GOP is the problem, not some random citizens of the states they hold hostage.
Been a death cult. Any pro-life stance they have is to create more soldiers for the forever war.
They don't believe anyone should have a decent life, because then they wouldn't be driven to die to get to heaven.
They don't want to provide education beyond what's needed to believe your pastor regarding his interpretation of the Bible. If you want education, they want to force you into the army for, you guessed it, forever war.
They worship a god who begat himself just to sacrifice himself to himself, to "save" us from the sin that he orchestrated. And every one of their policies mirrors this "logic."
There are Christians who believe that Jesus is the embodiment of God's love, grace, forgiveness, charity, etc. But they're not the ones in control of the churches, or any of the "seven mountains."
Yeah this checks out for Florida. I wouldn’t be surprised if the vaccination rate declines over the next few years. Talk about having a burr up your ass from Covid vaccines.
I mean most people from the US ask "What the hell is wrong over there?" About Florida pretty regularly. So clearly the other 49 states also have no clue either.
It's not stupid people. It's innocent children. Especially if you consider the fact that vaccines are not 100% effective (so you might get it and still be susceptible to catching it) and some people have legitimate health reasons they can't get the vaccine. It's these kids of innocent people who could also get fucked.
The MMR vaccine is very safe and effective. Two doses of MMR vaccine are about 97% effective at preventing measles; one dose is about 93% effective.
Sorry but that's a really dumb take. So you're saying that 97% effectiveness isn't good enough so we shouldn't bother at all?
I don't think the Darwin Awards apply here if it wasn't the decision of the deceased (child) to do the stupid thing, but of the parent(s). I would rather consider a "murder your child / make them handicapped for life" award in the form of a trial and imprisonment for endangering your child.