It's like they saw someone playing the other games and thought "we can do that too!" And totally missed the mark on so many shots. My favorite thing about the game is the part where we sit down and watch our friends get attacked and killed in cutscenes. I can't tell you how many times I shouted "I have a rocket launcher, a shotgun, an assault rifle, and a pistol! LET ME SHOOT HIM!"
Watching ____ die the most bullshit stupid death in video game history was what really dropped it down to a 3/10 for me. I HAVE GUUUUUUUNS LET ME SHOOT HIM. It's like they tried to recreate ______'s death from BL2, but they didn't realize that he died because ____ caught the entire group off guard. We didn't have time to shoot him before he teleported in, shot the guy, did a spoiler, and teleported out. We were watching Troy the ENTIRE TIME he was killing ____.
I couldn't get into wonderland. The humour/style didn't work for me and I found it obnoxious about how the game needs to make a joke every other minute. I enjoyed 1 and 2 and TPS and the telltale game but at this point I've outgrown borderlands.
3 was such a slog. Stupid angsty teens with magical powers a good video game villain does not make.
The ending was such a painful cringe. The whole game really but especially the twins and ava. Oh man though ava's line when Lilith does her thing at the end.
I also feel personally insulted that they bothered to include tales characters but did nothing meaningful with them and didn't even put an 'enhance' gag in there.