Well, not the same thing but almost in the same general category these days could be WordPress. There are plugins that you can configure for just about any type of common application without having to do "actual programming". Including drag-and-drop GUI builders. It's not aimed at programmers but you can customize the plugins.
Also it has a similar stigma for programmers as VB.
Since you said any language, you have Free Pascal and its gui editor Lazarus.
För wxWidgets and C++ you have wxFormBuilder.
The Glade editor for gtk3 programs (C, C++, or whatever language one might use). (edit: just a gui editor that is used separately from whatever IDE or editor you write your code in)
You are missing the best one.
If you want to make great GUIs there really is no substitute for Qt with Qt Creator.
Nice GUI editor as you are used to in VS, C++ with the best documentation I've seen in anything open source.
Qt was the GUI toolkit that got me hooked on C++ back in the day. (https://www.qt.io/download)
Be aware there is a commercial and an open source version but you can relatively easily get the open source one from the online installer.
Don't forget Gambas: https://gambas.sourceforge.net/en/main.html. A language that is very close to Visual Basic and an IDE that closely resembles the old VB6 editor. It only runs on Linux, but I also got it working on WSL in Windows 11.