The US was the only country to vote against the draft text while the United Kingdom abstained. The UN Security Council’s 13 other member countries voted in favour of the text demanding a halt to the war that has killed more than 29,000 people in Gaza, according to Palestinian authorities, and displaced more than 80 percent of the population
It's stuff like this that makes me realize we're the evil empire from Star Wars. The Security Council needs a reworking away from vetos.
Seems kind of redundant to have a UN council with over 13 members that can’t do anything if 1 member doesn’t like it. It seems that the other members are ‘united’ so the US should eat sand.
There should be an override mechanism. It could be super narrow, so like “All non-veto-holding members must unanimously agree to override the veto, and the override must then be sustained by a general assembly vote of 3/4”
Please for the love of God just over ride the US. I live here and I'm getting tired of seeing how my country is hindering things and preventing consequences for people who deserve it. Yes, I know my country has done horrible things throughout its history, but that doesn't mean we can't start doing the right thing though. Also yes, I know this is ridiculously optimistic/naive sounding.
@Holyginz I don't think you realize what you're asking. If the UN tries to override the US that means using force to stop Israel - which means having a war against the US and Israel.
The US has a law authorizing it to invade Europe if the ICC ever tries to prosecute an American war criminal.
The Security Council is about wars/security. This is why all the permanent members/major powers have veto. It's a forum for dialogue.