Here I am, sitting in Louisiana where my newly gerrymandered district (4) simultaneously covers a third of the state, surrounds an entire other district, and cuts a relatively blue city clean in half (Lake charles at the bottom).
All so the state can comply with the court order to add another black district while keeping the republican stranglehold.
I mean... People live in regions. Those regions have representatives. How are those regions defined? Maps. Nothing uniquely American about it as far as I can tell.
So does my country, but we don't change how the regions are distributed every election to benefit one party. Once the region/district is set we leave it alone.
The unique thing is that, depending on the layout, votes matter differently. I don't know of any other democratic country that makes it possible to change election results by changing districts.
We'll see. If Republicans can rid Trump's coat tails like they did in '16, the first thing they'll do is reverse out all of Evers's changes and the second thing they'll do is throw his ass in jail for being a Communist.
Vote in 2022 for State Assembly ended up with 35D/64R, with D's getting 44.6% of the overall vote. The Evers maps that are now adopted would have made it 46D/53R. So D's would get 46.5% of the seats for 44.6% of the vote. It's a slight D over performance, but no maps are going to be perfectly representative, and this is way closer to what it should be.
I think that it is more informative to look at statewide elections instead of assembly. Gerrymandering depressed turnout and in some heavily gerrymandered districts Republicans were running unnopossed. Looking at statewide elections instead with the new maps democrats will get 46% of seats with roughly 50% of the vote.
The path to having this happen in Wisconsin was for a set of left-leaning judges to be elected to a majority on the state Supreme Court, and then rule that gerrymandering violated the state constitution. This forced a redraw of the maps.
The 2022 predicted outcome for those maps is interesting to see. The actual result in the Wisconsin State Assembly was 39D/64R. The Evers maps that are now adopted would have made it 46D/53R--so not a D majority, but the overall vote was 44.6% for D's, so that's about what it should be. There were proposals on the table that would have brought that to 35D/64R.
State Senate is even worse. Currently 10D/22R. These maps would have hypothetically been 16D/17R.
Democrats aren't going to win every time with these maps. The state still has blue cities surrounded by red rural. It does keep Republicans away from a veto-proof majority (which they have in the Senate but missed in the Assembly). Also, it gives Democrats a chance if they can get their shit in order for a change.
So I'm Canadian so a lamen to the situation. I always heard Republicans take Gerrymandering to an extreme but do Dems practice it or is this a moral highground thing?..
Before 2010, a number of Democratic states, including California, implemented independent redistricting commissions and the likes in order to prevent gerrymanders.
In 2010, the Republicans took a number of state legislatures, and were then able to use the every-10-years redistricting to gerrymander their way into permanent power and increase their share of seats in the the federal House of Representatives.
This has meant that further anti-gerrymandering measures in Democratic-leaning states would give the Republicans permanent control over one branch of the Federal government, so Democratic-leaning states adopted a no-unilateral-disarmament policy, where they're no longer passing measures like that at the state level, but regularly try to pass a federal anti-gerrymandering law, which would eliminate it nationally. To date, none of those attempts has gotten past a Republican filibuster in the Senate.
The major notable instance of Democrat gerrymandering is in Massachusetts. They gerrymandered the state so that rather than Republicans having 0 winnable districts, they have 1.
You don't need to cheat when your party hasn't been attacking the citizenry for the last 50+ years.
Historically, both are guilty. Today, Republicans are more guilty than Democrats, and this largely comes down to timing and new algorithms to create maps. I'm not going to claim Democrats are inherently more righteous on this issue, except to say that they're the victimized group and therefore have more incentive to create fair maps right now.
The US Constitution specifies having a census every 10 years, and then a redistricting happens. In 2010, Republicans rode a wave of hate against Obama with the Tea Party, which swept them into a lot of state level offices. This meant they controlled the state legislatures and governors offices that were in charge of redistricting. At the same time, new mapping software let them create extremely lopsided maps. There are cases of individual houses being carved out into one district or another.
This let them hold onto power in those states for the next 10 years. When the 2020 census came around, they still had power, and thus controlled the next round of redistricting. In Wisconsin, that affected the 2022 elections. However, there was also a series of elections for state supreme court, and the 2022 election put in the last liberal justice needed to swing the decision. The maps were ruled unconstitutional, and now we have something where Republicans getting 45% of the vote in the State Assembly means they lose.
(That, BTW, is actually what happened in 2018 for the Wisconsin State Assembly. Vote was 53% D/45% R, but the seats broke down 36D/63R.)
This has to be fixed in Wisconsin before voting methods could be fixed (and a whole list of other things). We only got this because voters put in a state supreme court justice who specifically ran on the map issue.
Incidentally, those state supreme court elections are a non-partisan primary system, so it's not FPTP already. In practice, all the candidates are unofficially aligned to one of the two national parties, which is an example of FPTP not being the complete story.
See also: a bunch of southern states with runoff voting, where their state offices have been just as filled with Democrats and Republicans as anywhere else in the US over the last century.
Hey US, here's an idea. Instead of having elected representatives sign off on electoral districts, you can instead pass a law to create electoral commissions who's job it is, and define in the law how often redistricting should take place, what methods should be used, etc, etc.
The officials at the electoral Commission are bound by the law you set out (and presumably the extremely harsh punishments for not following the law).
This is where you define electoral boundry changes. Not via bespoke legislation where it gets gerrymandered.
A lot of other countries have figured this out, just sayin'.
Yes, that's something which would work just fine. The situation we're in looks like this:
The Supreme Court has ruled that partisan gerrymandering is constitutional
Republicans block anti-gerrymandering laws in the federal Senate
If one party ends gerrymandering in states they control (as Democrats started to do between 2000 and 2010) they're effectively ceding power to the other party on a permanent basis