Whenever anyone brings this up, I imagine a vegan sitting at a table with their new friends, refusing to eat any chicken wings, but also not saying why... And then everyone harassing them with a million questions like, "do you not like hot sauce? We can get barbecue", "are you on a diet?", "are you allergic?", etc, etc. Finally, after half an hour of this, they lose it and just as there's a lull in the music, they scream out, "look, I'm a vegan! I don't fucking eat meat! Fuck off!"
The whole bar goes quiet, staring, then one of the people at the table reaches for a wing, looks at the vegan, and says, "dude, chill, we get it, you don't eat meat, blah blah blah. You don't have to talk about it every 5 minutes! Here's some bread and butter."
Every vegan that irritated me constantly brought it up....the folks who just did their thing got me curious as to why and educated me on some delicious food despite me not being vegan/vegetarian.
I will say I think Indian food is the best vegetarian food to the point that it's just good, you're not even worried about meat.
Yep, I don't eat meat and I don't recall the last time I actually told someone that unprompted in real life. More likely it's one of my friends or family that says it for me, like I can't eat around the bacon that the chef accidentally put on my plate
Kinda proving the point tho. The joke was more on Arch users and everyone in here is writing paragraphs defending Gluten Free/Vegan. But, like the meme is pointing out, you just gotta talk about it! 😂
Man, imagine being stuck not only in a distro-wars mindset, but also thinking vegans are some kind of problem. Not ever has any of my countless vegan friends started to talk about how great being a vegan is. Strangely this phenomenon seems to be limited to social media and I couldn't care less about that
Exactly. Open any post on the internet even slightly hinting towards veganism (or cute animals for that matter), and you’ll have the insufferable army posting gifs of sizzling bacon, steak being cut, or making jokes about how that one guy’s childhood chicken would make for a perfect chicken nugget.
True, but those are not the people the men's is making fun of. It makes fun of perfectly healthy people who decide they need gluten free everything because they heard that gluten is bad and they can't do any research on how and why. Same with vegans who are only vegan because it's trendy (and who probably cheat every other meal because a vegan lifestyle actually requires a fair amount of effort and learning about nutrition).
a vegan lifestyle actually requires a fair amount of effort and learning about nutrition
I was actually surprised by how little effort it really took? Like replace butter with margarine, slave milk with oatmilk and, unless you're baking, eggs aren't actually that important.
The rest is just choosing different meals. Roasted vegetables, fried rice, bulgur, beans etc. instead of steak or sausages or what have you. Get some starchy stuff, some veggy stuff, some proteiny stuff = heathy meal. Most nonvegans live less healthy than that. Then there really is only the B12 debate left, and if you want to err on the safe side just take some supplements. They're really cheap.
Sure, it wasn't 0 effort, but it wasn't exactly rocket science either. Just kind of look at what you're eating, throw out the non-vegan stuff and go from there. If you have any qualms about the exploitation of beings with a consciousness, who can feel the pain and suffering when their kids are killed just give it a try.
a vegan lifestyle actually requires a fair amount of effort
It isn't that hard in most "well developed" (sorry to use that term) places. Sure, you have to look at some nutrition labels and maybe take a B vitamin, but it isn't arduous. Took me next to no effort, but going from ~18 years vegetarian to a vegan diet wasn't hard for me personally.
On the contrary, since gluten-free food became trendy, there's been more of it on offer, which is better people with coeliac disease. The problem arises when chefs and cooks start thinking gluten-intolerant people are asking for gluten-free food because it's trendy, so they decide to just run the risk of poisoning someone because they think they know better. I used to have a chef like this, and he ended up poisoning someone. Massive cunt, he was.
I've met quite a few vegans and far as I know none of them avoid gluten. I also know someone with celiac disease, who would never even contemplate going vegan when he already has so many dietary restrictions to put up with.
They're not absolutely mutually exclusive groups, but pretty close to it I think. Slackware users who install everything through Snap are the real gluten-free vegans of the linux world.
Hail Seitan! --> many vegans (including myself) swear on pure gluten :D
And yes, I also know people who also cannot be vegan because of all their dietary restrictions.
I guess the similarity of arch users and vegans lies in the fact that both groups are very much outside the norm. So you often have to distance yourself from the assumed default (windows/apple computer, omnivore diet). And just talking with other people, it comes up often by itself. If someone asks me to fix their windows PC, I have to tell them that I haven't really used windows for nearly a decade now. And if someone invites me over or to a restaurant, I have to tell them that I'm vegan. But people who are inside the norm often don't deal very well with outsiders, so they have to invent tropes like the annoying vegan. What is actually annoying them is their own double standard they have to live with (torturing/killing animals and having a large ecological impact vs wanting to be a good human being).
But obviously there are also some people who use arch or are vegan and do it to provoke a reaction, to feel special and morally superior.
Of all the OSes I've tried to get into, FreeBSD is the worst by a longshot. I didn't even get it up and running because the community was so fucking toxic. Yes, I read the fucking manpages, no the thing I'm trying to do wasn't covered or was unclear. Oh my God, alright, nevermind.
this isn't true imo. not because it was never the case, but because nowadays arch is so easy to use it's a perfectly normal thing to do, "i use arch btw" isn't a shocking statement
the gluten free vegans of the computing world are NixOS users
"Gluten Free Vegans" at that. OP doesn't dislike animal rights, they just specifically dislike people with a potentially life-threatening allergy standing up for animal rights.
Let's be honest though, they've just written both off as "overly restrictive fad diets followed by people who annoy me by talking about their lifestyles"
OP is the human embodiment of a conservative stand-up comedian, or as Tim Heidecker put it
Those who want to spread the good news about cold water spraying on your dirty rosebud would give a shit. At least they would like to tell you about the life changing bidet.
You clearly used one of those adapters for a regular toilet. If you do it right, and get the new plumbing installed and an actual bidet, you can have confortable temperature water spraying on your dirty rosebud.
Also no, I don't own one... yet. I've just looked into it.
Stop slandering my culinary heritage by associating it with famed wife beater Steven Crowder. We've suffered enough already, we has to grow up in Boston - and, true story, I once nearly got reported to HR because of a D&D game involving Hooked Horrors.
I'm related to someone who's the same way with closed captions. Yes, I know you can understand every word. Yes, I can see how it makes you enjoy a show even more because you catch all of the little things. No, I don't want to turn it on this time when you, a totally non-disabled adult, is visiting. This relative has a religious fervor in their need to convert us to CC.
If you're actually hearing impaired I'll probably tolerate it for you. Though realistically we just won't watch anything together.
Otherwise I hate you for asking. Nothing makes a show/movie unwatchable more than having the text of what a character is going to say shoved in my face before they say it. I'd rather get kicked in the balls repeatedly than watch shit with subtitles. It's less severe torture.