Scientists on Tuesday designated a small body of water near Toronto, Canada as ground-zero for the Anthropocene, the proposed geological epoch defined by humanity's massive and destabilising impact on…
Scientists designate Canadian lake as ground-zero for the Anthropocene, Earth's new epoch
Layered sediment at the bottom of Lake Crawford -- laced with microplastics, fly-ash spread by burning oil and coal, and the detritus of nuclear bomb explosions -- is the single best repository of evidence
Oh, it's a bad thing. The lake is so covered in man-made garbage it's being used as evidence that we should classify a new "epoch" on earth's timeline defined by everything being covered in waste products produced by humans.
I grew up near Crawford Lake. I remember there being a little visitors centre with these horrific looking jars of preserved lamprey eels that I guess they fished out of the lake. As I recall, the lake is special because it's particularly deep and stagnant. Particulate matter settles on the bottom and remains undisturbed for thousands of years.