So basically, Reddit wants you to work for free, to moderate content provided to them for free by users and if you don't do it the specific way they want you to they'll kick you?
This level of editorial influence sounds to me like Reddit is becoming more of a media publisher/editor instead of just a platform, which would (should) remove their protection from defamation & other law suits based on content published on the site…
It's funny how Reddit rarely if ever has stepped in to reign in actual problematic mods in the past, instead just encouraging people to create their own subreddit if they don't like how it's being run.
But now, they suddenly change their tune, and spout this sentimental blather about how mods are "stewards" and "in a position of trust", and now they will solemnly respond with "next steps" if mods don't open these important communities. Their arguments are totally incoherent.
'We DGAF if the mods are abusing the community that's only there because it has a good name. As long as the clicks keep happening, it's all good. But the second they cause US a problem, we'll squash them'.
I don't think Reddit has done one single thing in the last week that doesn't reek of 'we don't care about our users'.
Responding with "next steps"? So it's, what, about two more warnings from reddit h.r. before moderators are presented with a Performance Improvement Plan?
It’s funny how Reddit rarely if ever has stepped in to reign in actual problematic mods in the past, instead just encouraging people to create their own subreddit if they don’t like how it’s being run.
Because more subs and more workers mods means more content and more money.
I wonder if mods in some more enlightened countries could start to sue Reddit for being hidden workers and not getting employment rights and minimum wage. Some places have done that sucessfully for Uber and deliveroo etc with them losing their claim they are just a notice board for self contractors, companies lost due to the fact they set so mamy rules that driver had to follow.
Crazy to think Reddit subs used to be a built by the people, for the people, with the ones who created it governing decisions. And here we are with the head honchos saying "Nah, we're just gonna take the reigns now". Shame.
Right, DUTY to provide free labor for prospective shareholde... err, users, we mean users! Yes, duty to users, that sounds good and inoffensive and like we actually care about our human cattle... I mean, valuable users, there's that slip of the tongue again...
Nothing pulls the curtain back quite like an admin message waxing poetic about your "duty" to provide moderation to the checks notes r/breadstapledtotrees internet forum
Hmm being one of the mods of a. minor sub (only 640 subscribers) I also got the threat message and considered what to do.
I opened the sub up again, and (as it's a quite unimportant sub) will probably try to be the worst mod possible, to make that sub as unattractive as possible.
I still have a GDPR information request running - and will probably also send a deletion request. (But I want a list of all my posts and comments first to be able to validate they don't show up again, over the next years)
So, until my account is deleted I'll try to let the sub rot and decay.