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Have you ever coordinated your lock and home screen wallpapers?

I picked these two images at random from a list without really thinking about the psychology. At least for me, this Outside/Inside > unlock/home combination with SciFi futurism really resonates with me more and more over time.

Do you have any similar coordinated Lock/Home screens?

  • I would like to pick a home screen wallpaper like this but don't want people staring when in public

  • I've never really thought of coordinating them tbh but it sounds and looks like a neat idea. I've always kept the lock and home screen the same but lately I've been changing the wallpaper to roughly match the season. So right now it's a snowy mountains for winter.

  • Those are beautiful (especially the inside one)! Where did you find them?

    • I got them from some old shitty link aggregation site that got washed up June 10th of 2023. I used to collect ones I liked and these were on that list.

      • The space station is from the show "Dark Matter". It's a shame it was cancelled after season 3.