“If you kill me, you’re gay in Russian” written in Serbian with sharpie.
91 0 Reply18/f/cali
67 0 ReplyHow you doing?
Want to trade pictures?
7 0 Replycaliber?
3 0 Reply
“I have autism, please be patient”
If you’re gonna draft me, I’m sure as fuck playing into the ‘useless Joe’ meme and try and break my 1Sgts will to live
65 0 ReplyIt's a strategy. You might get extra training that helps you live longer... .
19 0 ReplyPlay it up too well and you might get some sweet cybernetics!
11 0 Reply
In case of KIA delete browser history
55 0 Reply"This side towards enemy" but on the backside of the helmet
53 0 Reply*gets shot by commanding officer the first day out of basic
8 0 Replyfriendly fire isn't
5 0 Replythey'd have to to prevent me from shooting them
1 0 Reply
Dang this guy has WW3 figured out already
8 0 Reply
"Born to kill" and a peace sign.
(What can I say? I'm a sucker for the classics.)
Edit: after having read some of the responses in this thread, I might update it for modern times with "Yiff in hell" and a dickbutt.
53 0 Reply"What is that? Some kind of sick joke!?"
13 0 ReplyYou better pull your head out of your ass and get in the game or I will take a giant shit on you!
7 0 Reply
What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little removed? I'll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Navy Seals, and I've been involved in numerous secret raids on Al-Quaeda, and I have over 300 confirmed kills. I am trained in gorilla warfare and I'm the top sniper in the entire US armed forces. You are nothing to me but just another target. I will wipe you the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the Internet? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of spies across the USA and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, maggot. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You're fucking dead, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can kill you in over seven hundred ways, and that's just with my bare hands. Not only am I extensively trained in unarmed combat, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the United States Marine Corps and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the continent, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little "clever" comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn't, you didn't, and now you're paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will shit fury all over you and you will drown in it. You're fucking dead, kiddo.
52 1 ReplyYou win
3 1 Reply
A superglued pull tab for an aluminum can.
An ingredient list and nutritional information on the side.
43 0 ReplyCan of baked beans
13 0 Reply
I use Arch BTW
42 0 ReplyIdk but my gun is definitely getting named “Rooty-Tooty-Point-and-Shooty”
38 0 Reply“Object Embedding Tool” 🤌
33 0 ReplyLol. How about “Enemy truncator”
15 0 Reply
10 0 Reply
I haven't been in the army in 15 years and would probably need to prepare for a lot of blood transfusions.
36 0 Reply34 2 ReplyHelmussy (. ❛ ᴗ ❛.)
my head goes in it after all...
33 2 Reply"Begun, the Climate Wars have"
29 0 ReplyDNR
28 0 Reply"I just flew cargo drones"
In, Chinese, Russian, and English.
23 0 ReplyUWU
23 0 Replythe entirety of the vaporeon copypasta
24 1 ReplyJust like the simulations
22 0 ReplyTFW they tell you it wasn't a simulation and the war is suddenly over.
12 0 Replygg Ender
6 0 Reply
Born 2 Shit Forced 2 Wipe
21 0 ReplyI suppose at this point, plain MESHPAT is considered retro enough to be cool again.
20 0 ReplySo when your heads explodes the helmet becomes shrapnel?
14 0 ReplyYeah, that's exactly what spray paint dots do. You got it.
24 0 ReplyWhat exactly do you think would have happened with any other helmet paint pattern?
9 0 ReplyEdit: on mobile it looks like it's an engraved pattern, not spray. And if you don't think that some people would not do it, you have not being on the Internet for long
5 0 Reply
Born to Feel
20 0 Reply"I fought in WWIII and all I got was this stupid PTSD."
17 0 Reply🍁NERV or “Taiwan best China”
16 0 ReplyParaguay is Best Guay
2 0 Reply
If I'm gonna die for a word, my word is poontang
16 0 ReplyAll fucking N... Nevermind!
5 0 Reply
Fuck off I’m eating
16 0 ReplyGo away I'm baitin
12 0 Reply
16 0 ReplyAFK 5, brb
14 0 ReplyOne side will say "Why am I here?"
The other side will say "Oh no, not again."
14 0 Replyheaded down to the Winchester
13 0 Reply*Should have headed down to the Winchester
9 0 Reply
Just put a bunch of check marks on the helmet.
12 0 Reply"Peace Salesman"
12 0 Reply"When I'm dead, just throw me in the trash"
12 0 Reply"You've got red on you"
11 0 ReplySingleTakenGamer11 0 Reply"Comic Sans" in Comic Sans of course.
11 0 ReplyI'm gonna write 'Papyrus' but in comic sans.
16 0 ReplySo WW3 is started by a bunch of graphic designers who’re’d replaced by AI.
4 0 Reply
"Head in the clouds" with pictures of nuclear mushroom clouds behind it.
11 0 ReplyWe're yiffing in hell tonight!
12 1 Reply12 1 Reply"Don't Shoot"
10 0 ReplyBorn to yiff.
9 0 ReplyWe're naming stuff right? Helmy McHelmetface of course.
9 0 Reply"I Eat Ass"
9 0 Reply“We’re trying to reach you about your extended warranty”
“Hide yo kids, hide yo wife”
8 0 Reply->
Just hoping the sniper follows the arrow and shoots the guy next to me instead.
8 0 ReplyAnd then he got a headshot by shooting right next to the arrow but only by a few centimeters
2 0 Reply
Oversized pattern of pixel noise sized for 720p from ~200ft... Or whatever else I can find that image recognition has trouble with...
8 0 ReplyAlternately, a picture of Our Great Leader/The Honorable Chairman/Gandhi/A stolen NFT, depending on the theatre.
8 0 Reply
Microwave my hard drives
8 0 ReplyStickerslap the shit out of it like a snowboard.
8 1 Reply“haha my gat go blat blat”
6 0 ReplySticking out your gyatt for the rizzler
2 0 Reply
cheapest helmet ever ! read in comic book guy's voice
6 0 Reply"Don't shoot"
6 0 ReplyPistachio
6 0 ReplyMy favorite waifu.
5 0 ReplyRooty tooty snooty pooty
5 0 ReplyA tear in the cloth cover where I banged in some mortar aiming stakes. And googly eyes on the back for when I ride the tube. ;)
5 0 Reply"Wild Potato" or "Born to NCD, Love to Kill"
4 0 ReplyFuck war, I resign, let me leave or put bullet into this sign immediately. I don't have time for this nonsense.
5 1 ReplyBorn to Die World is a Fuck I am Trashman
4 0 ReplyPutin & Xi are cunts or Bug Smasher. Depends on who we are fighting...
4 1 Reply"I'm gay." And then hit on my CO until I'm back home.
3 0 Reply"I'm autistic" so they kick me out and I don't have to go to war
3 0 ReplyNah, you just get a logistics corps assignment.
3 0 Reply
"Why are we here?"
3 0 ReplyEt in Arcadia ego.
2 0 ReplyNasio pa matá
2 0 Reply"why tf are you issuing me a k pot /steel helmet, no that's not what I want written on the side that would be as ridiculous as issuing me a friggin k pot, stop writing !!"
1 0 Reply"Morituri Nolumus Mori"
1 0 ReplyBad hair day
1 0 Reply