/r/memes gives hilarious data in re: spez's assertion that most users want things back to normal; changes rules accordingly
So, /r/memes did a poll. The exact numbers happen to be multiples of 10%, but ignore that.
10% of users want the blackout to continue
10% of users want the subreddit to open back up as normal
80% of users want the subreddit to only allow Medieval / Landed Gentry themed memes.
Henceforth: "The title of the posts must include either of the words 'Medieval', 'Landed' or 'Gentry', and the meme must include medieval content/images, or include content that features text about Landed Gentry."
Honestly, I love how the top subreddits are all doing stuff like this. It doesn't stop the flow of traffic like the blackout did but it's still hilarious.
90 percent of Reddit users are casual lurkers with no account. Of the ten percent with accounts, 10 percent actually post content or even leave a comment.
Driving away lurkers with stupid content is a solid strategy
What it does do is actively highlight that the community is being destroyed, and the protests are actively degrading the experience. All the more to entice people to look around at other social media options.
They really thought it'd just end after 48 hours; it became a war of attrition and I'm happy so many of us found the fediverse. I'm happy the project(s) seem to have talented and dedicated developers and admins; long live the Fediverse.