"Fine, fine. You do that. We've upped the risk of kaiju attacked along the Florida coast. Water and wind kaiju, not the radioactive fire breathing ones."
Well, I guess people who decided to buy property in high risk areas are going to need to face the music. But I am sure they will get a bail out like every companies do. God forbid anyone besides the poor face any consequences for their poor decisions.
From what I am reading it isn't like they are ghosting people. The insurance terms are not being renewed. If you paid for the next six months you still get those six months. Did anyone read something different?
Not condoning poor decisions like choosing to live in Florida but those people are going to be fucked when no insurance company will cover you for less than the cost of your mortgage.
Doing complex math to predict the future is how these companies make billions. The fact that they're Nope-ing out of Florida entirely should tell you something. If your plan was to move to Florida soon, maybe it's time to reconsider.
On the other hand, maybe we should rebuilding in places with catastrophic disasters on an annual basis. How long should we keep doing the same thing expecting different results?
This was after private insurers started bailing out in the early 2000s when it became clear how ridiculously expensive it would be to provide hurricane insurance there.
I'm on Citizens. Every year I get a letter telling me they have the legal right to sell my policy if they find a comparable one in the private sector within 20% of what I'm paying. Every year they fail to find one. The best thing about Citizen's is that they can't leave the state.
Insurance, every kind, is the biggest scam since religion was invented. It should be a socialised utility paid for by the taxes already being sucked from our veins instead of funding endless wars all over the world.
A counterargument is that people in places where we suffer few natural disasters shouldn't have to subsidize people that choose to live in places like Florida that suffer frequent disasters.
If the government becomes responsible for the bills to rebuild from disaster, then the government should have the ability to tell people they can't live somewhere that is going to flood every 10 years. And I imagine most people don't want that.
The free market solution to disincentivize people from living in places that increasingly suffer regular disasters is for it to become increasingly expensive to live there. Insurance prices skyrocketing accomplishes that, and if someone can't afford the insurance then they should cash out and move somewhere where they can afford to live.
But really, the problems in Florida are more about insurance fraud and a state government disinterested in doing anything about it. Maybe this will put pressure on the populace to forget culture wars and vote for people that will fix their problems. Ha!
While I do understand your argument. This is a planned effort by insurers. They are all pulling out of these areas in protest in an attempt to persuade the government to increase the amount they pay to insurers to cover these areas. The government already subsidizes insurance sold in these areas and while it does come out of your taxes it does not impact your insurance costs regardless of what you might have been told.
SOURCE: This is second hand from a close friend who is an insurance executive at one of these firms. They are also doing this in California.
It's funny how fans of the free market assume that anyone can just pick up and leave, ignoring how godawful expensive that act is in itself. What about family and friend ties? Do you even realize how difficult it is to move across state lines? Your entire premise is so absolutely separated from reality.
Ok Boomer. This fuck you I got mine attitude is one of the major problems we face in this country. The notion that everyone can just chose where they live is naive at best and your privilege is showing if you actually believe it. The nightmare political situation we are seeing is largely due to older generations who live by exactly your way of thinking and selfish actions.
Nothing will improve until you people are extinct.